Sup poly counterz. Thought I would post some of my experiments sketching hard surfaces in Zbrush. First I used Zbrush to find an interesting form instead of 2d sketching. Then the decimated model was cleaned up in Maya. My next step is to 3d sketch the interior to find similar elements that match the outside shell. Crits are welcome.
Gotta be honest, apart from novelty value and easier to design, it still looks like a blobby car done in zbrush. I'd just redo it with the regular hardsurface methods once you've established the shapes...
I agree with Xoliul on this one. You can do hard-surface stuff in Zbrush but unless you're really really awesome at it, you'd probably be better off doing it the regular way.
It still looks too blobby and most of the surfaces have dents and look uneven. This will become really evident once you add an environment map to your mesh. I would use that model as a guide and completely model it from scratch using sub-d
Hmmm, saw Professorxxx do it this way, and a few artists that sketch it in zbrush and then retopo, using the retopo for the zub-d base. I'd say that would probably be your best step from here.
Thank you for your feedback! Some areas of the truck are supposed to be curvy and I am not sure which areas are blobby. The first image is the retopologized mesh in Maya the rest are Zbrush sketches leading up to the first image. Which areas should I tighten up?