I was wondering what programs are used for moving graphics for opening credits. You know like the James Bond intro's and such. I think it was Quantum of Solace or the one before it. Where they had all the nice 2d ladies in the sand.
Also what do you thing was used for the Zero Punctuation video game reviews?
After Effects or Flash. Unfortunately there isn't an open source solution, as Inkscape doesnt have an animation engine (but it should). I guess you could just animate textured planes in Blender though...
Apparently it can be used for both vector and bitmap based animation.
It can also export image sequences, and Flash SWFs.
Best of all it's open source.
Really? I haven't checked it in a while. Would be cool if it allowed for vector based animation.
Though you could forgo that and export a bitmap based PNG sequence or Quicktime movie instead.