Hi guys and gals,
In Dec 2010 I was invited to do Gameloft's art test and I only managed to finish the modelling within the five days. I've decided to have another crack at low poly art for mobile/handheld games and I intend too learn the entire pipeline from start to end. I'll be following similar specs to create various low poly environments for my portfolio.
Use 3,500 tris maximum.
Use 1 x 512*512 size for the texture + Separate texture for sky dome.
Make lighting effects using Vertex colour only.
I wish I could thank the talented artist for the concept art I'm using, but I can't seem too find his/her name. This isn't the concept art provided by Gameloft, it's something I really like and I found it online.
Any comments or critiques on various stages is welcomed. Thanks
Concept Art
I´m sure someone did this concept already, but higher poly as I remember.
Maybe you can find this thread and get some Ideas. :poly121:
fabio brasilien - Thanks for the tip dude, found some great info in the thread.
Rurouni Strife - Checked out your thread, piece turned out great, will you make any final adjustments anytime soon?
Szark - Thanks heaps, looks like it's a sewer system and not a sci fi scene .
Shoy333 - I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, I've just started gathering info on Vertex lighting/coloring and it seems pretty amazing. I've added some very useful links below which have been sourced from Polycount threads and online to point you in the right direction. These will help you get your head around why it's used and how too use it.
Also, ScubaSteve created a very sweet tutorial on Vertex Lighting found on the Lowpoly thread . Check it out!
fmnoor - Thanks for the tip, I originally tried this method, so I'll give it a shot on my next environment.
You can save a bunch of polies by modeling all those connector pieces without the center line. So many, even, that you can then have 6 sided pipes and connectors for the large pipe, and still be off cheaper. Something similar goes for the red wiring.
Maybe Even make the connecors of the pipes 8 or 9 sides.
@Snader, thank-you very much for those tips. They worked like a treat and gave me the chance to add tris to more important props in the scene.
@Umar6419, no textures at the moment dude and thanks for the kind words.
Same goes for the other side right behind the pipe there are 2 meshes that need splitting.
Nice work so far. Looking forward for it to be textured.
Unless this is going to be a self illuminated environment