Hello all, im new to this forum, came here to show work and get suggestions, crticizm from smarter then me. Hope to stay longer and contribute when able.
Its a 30-40% done level project. I have 2 moths experience and this is for me a learning thing. Apricate suggestions and criticsm.
Not much models done yet, some are just placeholders, crappy uv mapping need to be fixed (doing this all first time, never really modeled enything in 3d before this), textures are placeholders, lighting i like in some places only but mostly its bad (its supposed to be cave but maybe its too dark? more abient light?) and must be rebuild.
Thinking really to drop it, and make something better, your advice?
sorry for bad english, cheers!
heres some useful links where i learned about cinematics:
UDN is great resource for everything UDK http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/CapturingCinematicsAndGameplay.html