Hello community!
I proudly present you the new Lightbox CE3 level, especially created and optimised for CryEngine 3 Crysis 2 Editor
AND FREE SDK CryEngine 3 Sandbox Editor!
In this level, you can place and render in real time the models you have created and get a professional looking render result.
The lightbox is created according to professional lighting mechanism, using the 3-point lighting system as well as more various enhancements, in order to get the best out of your model!
New in version 3.0:
Now supports FREE SDK CryEngine 3 Sandbox Editor!
Greenscreen Box for screenshots with easily removed green background.
New ingame Helper for instant instructions.
General Information:
Level: Lightbox CE3
Level Type: Model presentation
Version: 3.0
Release Date: 11/2/2012
Download link:Both Versions of Lightbox CE3Features:
For use in CryEngine 3 Sandbox Editor. Two versions included. One for Free SDK and one for Crysis 2 Editor
Includes 3 difrent lightbox setups. For all small (weapons), medium (characters) and big (vehicles) models.
Ideal 3 point lighting system, especially designed for model presentation.
Fully customisable lights.
Cameras included for taking pictures of the models.
Trackview - 360 spin animation for turntable videos.
NEW: GreenScreen - capture your assets in front of a green screen for easy background removal.
Optional CryEngine 3 logo.
Included helpers in case of difficulties.
When you have set up your scene and you are ready to take a screenshot,
close the rollup bar and leave only the console open so that you can write the commands.
This way you get a wide screen pic.
Make sure all settings are maxed out for best quality.
Do not scale or alter settings and positions of objects.
Save the final pictures in *.png format. Jpg causes artifacts and decreases quality.
Some objects are frozen to avoid moving them by mistake. F: Freeze, Ctrl+F: Unfreeze
Read the ingame ReadMe panel for more info.
Author: Geo Piskas
geopiskas@hotmail.comPortfolioTurbosquid LibraryVideo:
Examples:Helper | Hide it with H, unhide it with Ctrl+H.How to select objects in order to avioid missclicks.How to change camera.Example.Level layout.
Thanks for this!
Version: 2.1
Release Date: 26/9/2011
Download link can be found in the first post.
NEW FEAURE: Trackview - 360 spin animation for turntable videos.
Thanks coots7!
You can choose the highest settings by selecting "Config Specs" on the top menu bar, "Ultra" and "Enable DX11".
Also, about the screenshot, as far as I know the screenshot command is still broken in CryEngine 3 editor, so for now just use printscreen!
If you are referring to the model textures and stuff, this is not part of the lightbox. You are supposed to replace the models with your own. Also, you are free to adjust the lights as you wish..
Please check out the first post!
New in version 3.0:
• Now supports FREE SDK CryEngine 3 Sandbox Editor!
• Greenscreen Box for screenshots with easily removed green background.
• New ingame Helper for instant instructions.
General Information:
Level: Lightbox CE3
Level Type: Model presentation
Version: 3.0
Release Date: 11/2/2012
OK, I gotta agree with Rick. This lightbox system does not utilize many of the features that make CryEngine 3 great.
The environement needs to be more interesting, like a showroom. A dome with an easily accessible HDR sphere could also be interesting.
Otherwise you can't really show off the amazing lighting through the use of environment-probes/HDRIBL and SSR in the case of Crymod 2.
Also, motion blur is killing the video turntables.
Why bother decorating the enviroment around the lightbox though? I don't get the point...
Can you also explain me your thoughts about the dome you mentioned? I'm sorry but I didn't get it..
As for the motion blur, you can lower the speed of the animation and adjust the pivot to the middle of the object.
For example, If you want to show off hard surface assets, you want to have more dramatic lighting so that your beveled edges will catch more specular highlights and an interesting scene to reflect in your glossy surfaces. your lightbox has 2-3 lights, but the background is a solid white diffusely lit box. One of my biggest reasons for using Cry3 is the lighting, and a big part of that is environment-probes/IBL and accurate reflections, but there is none of that in a white box. A side effect of this is that for glossy metallic surfaces, SSR will look very strange in closeups. if you got Crymod 2, zoom in on the Big alien, and watch the SSR as he spins.
TL: DR =
Look at how crytek would settup a stage to show off their assets:
Notice how they have a lot of lights in a mostly dark scene? Notice the part with Image Based Lighting?