Hi all, I finished an entry recently for Ludum Dare 48 hour game making compo. I'm a bit hesitant to post cos it's pretty rough around the edges from a technical standpoint, but on the other hand I'm pretty happy about what I got done in the tight deadline (remembering I had to code the game logic too). Anyway, for those that might be interested I'm presenting it here

I have to say even though I consider the gameplay kinda weak (maybe even an afterthought) I really enjoyed coming up with some kind of story and atmosphere to convey and not really telling the player anything about it, just letting it speak for itself. I think I'd love to work on more like these, maybe with better gameplay and little a bit longer- almost like you're playing a snapshot from the middle of a story. You're just thrust into the middle of things and left to figure out from what you see what's happening..
anyway, here's a link to the game (it's 4 megish, and very short!) and some screens:

Really great work
what do you guys think about the idea of a series (maybe collection) of small short games, each a snippit from the middle of a story (maybe the action climax of the piece, or some quiet bit where not much happens but it's interesting to experience). Maybe each story has subtle references to the others in a way you can kind of piece together to get a vague picture of events
I think your idea of making more "scenes" is excellent, and I strongly encourage you to do it!
totally. Sounds like a great idea. Had a thought that maybe the story could follow and inanimate object. i.e a wrench. The wrench gets used as a puzzle element. complete the current scene. The wrench falls from the sky ship onto a boat, complete puzzle, wrench gets picked up by bird, dropped in a tower of some strange castle, etc, etc. Each scene you control a different person obviously. And in each scene you can see your previous scene outcome in the distance. Just an idea.
Lol at minecraft comments.
I can't disagree more.
On a more positive note, I played it yesterday. It was a ton of fun! Great work.
On a side note, what engine did you use for this?
the engine is quest3d, which is what I use for all my game stuff. To be honest if you can use unity, that's probably a better game engine to use.. but I just clicked so well with quests workflow that I put up with it's weaknesses..
for those that might be interested, here's the texture sheet.. you'll notice the laughable amount of wasted space!! that's because I knew I wanted one texture sheet but had no idea how much I would need to use/get done as I went along. I didn't want to have to re-arrange anything so I erred on the side of caution and went for a 512. I reasoned that anyone playing the game on a modern-ish pc could handle many times the texture space I was using anyway so flexibility ruled in this case.
edit: heh, I just realised I never used the blue tarp which was supposed to cover part of the engine. Ho well!
Your stuff just keeps getting more and more awesome! This is honestly really inspiring. I thought the sound effects actually worked perfectly. Keep it up!
EDIT: Didn't realize there was a video up of Pineapple Smash Crew, it's looking awesome!
The ending is a bit of a letdown as ppl mentioned
I was wondering who the 2nd figure was.
I think I noticed a tiny bug. I'll report it anyway. On my desktop (win7) the clouds when you hit the enemies are just red. But on the laptop (vista) the clouds are black and red. I only noticed because I was surprised it looked better on my laptop. Anyhoo, not a game breaker, so no big deal.
EDIT: ...Which is what Ninjas just mentioned like the Ninja that he is. A link for your convenience anyway.
just a quick bump cos the results were announced!
I came 9th overall, and 1st in graphics category!
definitely encouraging me to think about expanding the game/universe
soon as I get some down time from smash crew I'm on it!
You should! I played it through and enjoyed every second