Hi, I wanted to push my skills in texturing and I wanted to know how her dress could get improved?
my main goal is to put as much details into the dress as I can (which is not much yet as you can see)
shameless question; are there some workarounds for creating Textures of detailed Clothes?
i tried to change the stuff on the skin as described and added eyes.
the clothing is now the next step . (collecting reference pictures now )
sure but I haven´t spend much time on smart space usage for the UVs. [the UVs are resized to the smallest picture (the eyes)]
I started to add pockets and tried to produce folds.
Should check out the method hazardous goes into for handpainting textures in this thread! Really great stuff.
what hazardous is writing is incredible thank you for the link :-)
(for example the matcap thing is something I havent thought about)
maybe I really have to rework her face :-/ aw
Right now the biggest trouble I have are the eyes because my knowledge about the creation of believable eyes is still to low.
here is an update on her clothing