Hi folks in Max 2011 I had could target weld any vertex in the UVW Editor or grab a group and hit ctrl + w and weld selection such as ... [ame]
In Max 2012 It seems to weld the blue / open verts but nothing else such as [ame]
Is there a tick box to revert back to Max 2011 settings or has this type of welding been lost to the sands of time?
Thanks for your help and time
p.s. I have the 2 hotfixs and service pack installed, running in dx9 on a geforce 9800 gtx.
target weld "works" this way too
Its gotten to the point that I cant even use normalize without having to realign each mirror every.single.time.
I know with Unfold Mapping (broken) you have to manually re-weld verts back together after unfolding. You basically get ONE unfold mapping per section that actually welds the verts correctly, otherwise all of your shells are broken into individual segments for no obvious reason.
My unfold operation works like this - Select Faces, Unfold Map, move shell out of the way, switch to vert mode, hit Control+W TWICE for the weld to work. Also no idea why I have to weld twice, but that's the workaround.
I'm testing just plain ol' weld right now to repro your steps and having the same problem. It simply won't weld.
You're probably thinking that beta testers of 2013 and so should report this, but honestly, and a few people here can attest to this as well, 90% or more of these beta testers are people that are only interested in the new features and don't provide much usefull feedback about real bugs.
Ken Pimentel, an autodesk director (who visits polycount), is a good person to start talking to.
I don't see its utility over snap and imo it can produces later issues. I see this more like a fix tbh.
seems like the newer max version dont allow uv islands without true outline anymore.
try create a plane with 2 segemnts x and 2 segments y
now do a symetrical split of 2 uv segements (2 y or 2 x) and mirrow them and lay on top of the others. if you try to merge, you will notice that you only can weld the vertices where the mesh in 3d is connected as well. the outer ones you cant weld.