I'm employed now, making TV Ads for satellite channels
the first TV Ad I made, made only in 4 days
I made other 3 TV Ads, but not yet to be published

, still working on our DVD, we will release a trailer soon...
PS: we have replaced the amateurish syllabus with a new good one, thanks to claas kuhnen for his help on the syllabus.
The answer is simple: [congrats]
[congrats] Belias
I need them....
[congrats] Belias
[congrats] Belias
You will always be the WTF to my day every time you post
If somehow you manage to get hired at a recognised games studio, that'll be a miracle, make a 'got a job' thread then
p.s. Is that pudding actually just called "Pudding". Very Repo man.
[congrats] Belias
congrats belias
Ohhhh its a congrats thread.
Please add anubis to your next commercial, kthnx
now now dont be nasty !.. xD
To quote Bbox85...
Sometimes "no" means "yes", and sometimes that "yes" feels so right.
and not before!
I am not involved in any dealings with these "gentlemen" and have no understand as to why I was included. They want to add me into their confusion. :poly122: