after having made some tutorials I want to start modelling on my own with 3d studio max. My goal for now is to make at least one model per day. Mostly stuff from my flat.
I want to use this thread to post all my questions regarding 3d studio max. Often it are just short question that require only a short answer...
And I already have a few:
1. Is there a function to remove doubles (vertices) like in blender?
2. Imagine there is a cube placed inside a cube... how can I select the face that is inside without zooming in to pass the other face?
3. When I have 2 faces selected and I want to move them toward each other without moving the first one and then the other, but on the same time(in opposite axis):
/face/----[+x]----> <----[-x]
How do I do that? (Do you understand what I mean?)
4. How can I display the objects in the view-port solid/ untextured?
Also in the link is a photo of a model I did today, nothing great but I'm starting to model stuff I can see here at home. And I still suck at texturing.(Could't attach the file even if all criteria were right)
Hope you can help me out. Thanks for answers in advance!
Greetings Andr
2. If they're the same object then just click again and it'll select another face (so initially the face of the first cube, then the second time the face of the second). If they're different objects then first click will select the first object, second will select the other, you won't select faces unless you're in polygon mode which will only select faces of the particular object you have selected.
3. Erm, I don't think there's a straightforward answer for that, and I don't have max open right now. Sometimes I scale edges/verts or what not if they're perpendicular... never really thought about it.
4. you can right-click the top left of the viewports (the text) and select from there. You can also use the function keys (eg f3 f4)
As for images I tend to upload them somewhere such as imageshack, get the direct link and use the insert image button.
I guess since you'll be posting up your models in this topic for crits then it's the right forum area.
Regarding 1: cool, nice solution
Regarding 2: oh, that was easy
Regarding 3: In blender I also did it with scaling, I tried it the same way in max but it didn't work.
Regarding 4: The f3 and f4 keys are just to show in wired mode or wired solid with textures. but I need my object to be displayed solid, without textures.
Ok, here the pic files in imageshack
I have a flat face subdivided, how can I get the vertices into a curve, so one side of the flat face becomes round?
e.g.: in blender I would do that with proportional editing and then drag a vertice/ edge and the others would would follow, so a nice curve would be the result.
Furthermore, I subdivided the face with Tessellate. Is there another way for subdividing faces but to keep the original form of the object?
Or, is there a way to add segments to a face like you would do with edge loops but instead it doesn't go around the whole object?
I got another question:
I made an object out of a spline + shell mod.
Now I want to reduce the faces the shell mod created.
How can I do that?
Apply symmetry modifier,
Vertices -> Target weld.
Saves half the job but you still have to do it by hand.
Use a box as a start place next time, that way you control the amount of polys you use.
Thanks for the hint!
How would you get this rounded form with a box? All manually? How do I set vertices of a box for example to follow the spline?
I've been stuck with a problem now for a long time, searched all google and tutorials but I can't fix this simple problem! In Blender it would have taken 5 min to do this:
I'm modelling a cupboard. The drawer has a round edge. I don't know how to make that. I've tried with a spline but then I cannot controll the amount of edges. Now I did it with a cylinder and I wanted to connect the vertices and create faces (cap poly). for the outer faces that went well but now it doesn't work for the next vertices (picture). Even simple stuff like making an edge between two vertices I can't figure out...
I come from blender. There I would have done it always with selecting two verts and press F-key - voila! or 3 verts + F-key = Face so simple. How is that done in 3ds max?
How would you create this arc as seen in the picture to a drawer? How would you proceed?
I would thank you a lot if you could help me out.
Furthermore, I tried to extrude a vertice to a certain axis, but it is always applied to the same axis... is it possible to change the extrusion axis?
Also, how can I subdivide one edge to have a vertex in the middle?
Why, when I delete a edge the hole object is deleted? the same with a vertex.
Do you mean you want to just add. a vertex on the edge. what you could do is use the cut tool in either edge mode or vertex mode.
thats how its is in max when you press delete, instead you should click remove. there might be some hotkeys, but im not sure. if you want to remove an edge, you have to hold ctrl when clicking remove. if not it will leave the vertices behind.
for splines there is actually a way to control the amount of edges. under interpolation tab while you are in modify menu, you can change it there.
if you ever decided that you need equal amount of space between the segments on the spline for better edge flow. you can add a modifier on the spline called normalize spline. play with the settings and then just convert it back to a editable spline and turn the interpolation down to 1. might be a bit of a hassle but its kinda useful.
I wanted to chamfer all edges from an object. unfortunately, there was one I forgot to select. Just much later, when I couldn't undo I noticed it. Is there a way to get the forgotten edge chamfered according to the other chamfered edges or do I have to model that manually?
My computer-soundbox. It's just a simple object but I learned a lot with it. It is very important to FIRST think about how you going to proceed before adding details like chamfer. That can save a lot of time and work.
Now I still got one question.
If I have an area which has no faces and I need to fill them there are several ways... with cap-poly or create... but isn't there an option to autofill the area when I have the border polygons selected? (Blender has got this feature)
I believe the below example which I made quickly demonstrates what you mean.
This method works in many cases. Use it with caution !
- Andr
I want to extrude a face up just along one edge. Like for a roof window. What is the easiest way to do it? (With no help I would extrude it normally, rotate the extruded face, weld the vertices etc etc... I need to be much quicker than that)
here is what I mean: