Starting one last project before I finish up my portfolio and start applying for jobs. The project is inspired by this
video. Its all modular and I have a lot of other variations to uv and get into udk, there's going to be 3 different tunnel types, everything is pretty basic planes and cylinders with seams in bad places, so I gotta lot of work left to do. That wood texture and modeling is really bothering me.
Also I modeled a light, but it was messing up the actual light, so I'll have to look into how fix that... Also I updated my website layout, but I need to get new/better art up, kinda just place-holder stuff right now.
Also, be careful with the edges of the tiled area in your scene. The transition doesn't make too much sense, especially on the right edge, where you have like a 5mm-thick portion of tile visible every other row. I can't tell exactly how the transition is done in the actual ref, but I'd consider adding some imperfections at the transition, or at least make it less sharp. Maybe some dirt or growth.
How do I have a model on top of a light shaft light without it covering it up.
Its an interesting mine shaft, and I look forward to seeing how it comes out, but I can see it being difficult to make interesting due to its linearity.
Here is a list of the first things that came to my mind while looking at your pic :
- AO too much strong and saturated
- the normal map on the plank wall seems to be reversed (motifs on the wood popping out)
- ground is too much wavy (I took a look at the video : imagine the guy doing rollerblade on your ground )
- your rock wall look too much blobby to me
- rock and pillar wooden beam texture ration seems to be a bit low and blurry
- tiling issue on the wooden beam
Just my opinion, sorry if it sound a bit harsh~
I don't mean this in a rude way, so sorry if it comes off as such!
Working on making more props and clutter now, I'll post a bigger update tonight, but this is bugging me.
Also I have 2 monitors, one of them makes this look too purple, the other one is a nice balance, I can't get a balance that looks perfect on both.
However, it looks far too sterile and clean to me. Bu I'm sure you are working on this already.
What really puts me off is the wall. It looks way too overshaded. I can see a lot of normalmapping artifacts and that just makes it look fake. Maybe you can adjust the material a bit?
Something else I would recommend to change is the lightning. You see, mines are usually deep down the earth. This however, looks more like a corridor on the surface to me.
Maybe having colder lights that cast harder shadows? (also on the floortiles)
I would prefer something closer to this (my opinion)
on this shot, the wall tends to look a bit like steelwhool instead of rock/stone/salty-stone/jazz.
If you do stick with just this section of the tunnel, I would recommend giving the textures some major love. PhillipK's site has really great texturing tutorials that I've been looking at lately. Also, dig into JordanW's bathhouse and see his material set ups. Both those resources have helped me a lot with what I'm working on now. Hope this helps
tweaked a bit to better match the reference, moving on to the low poly now.
You have a 2nd UV-channel for the lightmaps as well right? Maybe it has something to do with the lightmap-resolution?
Posting this just in case, you haven't taken a look at it yet, but I bet you have
Do you get any differences with 11 bounches? Take screenshot and compare, cause i think there is non difference..
Yeah there's pretty much do different in the front area, the back has smoother lighting but that's really it.
The light leaking could be because your walls are single sided and I'd just add more lights to get rid of the dark spots. Jacking the settings up really high can just cause really weird results from what i've experienced and it's just easier to keep it clean and add a few more lights to fill the dark areas.