As I seemed unable to do anything hard surface in zbrush and previous models I have done have needed an extra boost of detail, I decided to do a mech purely in zbrush. The basic concept of it was that I wanted a meaty kind of mech with vents and panels, with 2 large weapons for arms. This is my progress so far, from some older screengrabs to the most recent:

Pressed enter and submitted it early. Anyway, the most recent changes were to lob off the arms to start those again, change the sizes of the legs, mess with the shoulder armour a bit and add in some centre detail. Spent a fair bit of time on it and hope to spend a lot more to get it all looking great.
Edit: Also, what material do you guys prefer to use? I seem to change whenever I load it up, but the most recent one is matcap pearl cavity.
Been putting off the arms really but will have to start those tomorrow. Need to think up how I want them to look.
I think keep at it but in the future I'd blockout something with nice interesting big shapes.
That's why generally you see concepts such as this:
Good stuff though, I need to practice my zbrush hard surface
Cheap and nasty photoshop:
New sillhouette:
This kind of project makes me think about getting a new pc, I'm having to decimate and work on objects either solo or hiding most things.
You can focus on detail at the end. Looking forward for this!
What's been done is some wires have been deleted in the midsection to create a better space between the torso and hip sections, the upper leg sections have been redesigned a bit, the lower leg front pannels have been redone, and some more fiddling with the size of the shoulders. Did a bit more to the guns too,.
It might be worth reeling in that hip plate on the outside thigh a little too, just cos its going to bang against the poor little bleeders guns and probably drive him mad
Other than that I think he's ace, and the changes that I sugest will kill some of the interesting silhouette that you have going on so feel free to ignore me
@Seth - Thanks alot, I've tried to implement a few of the things you've said while trying to keep the silhouette. He still has a john wayne kind of stance going on.. I should've taken a side-on shot to show the difference but it's been changed a fair bit. The plates have been brought in a little and the way the arms will rotate means they shouldn't be colliding.
Been playing with materials and stuff, I didn't know about the BPR till now either. Just the feet and the backs of the guns to go.