I have a few questions about how to go about exporting textures from Maya to UDK.
When I first started texturing my pieces, I thought I would be making textures for individual objects in UDK. But when I finished the objects, I decided that the individual objects that I made would take more time to place precisely to create a support system for my scaffolding in UDK than it would in Maya. Now I have multiple objects with combined into one object with several different textures.

When I go to export to UDK will they export as a multi / sub - object material assignment as they would in 3d Studio Max? Or did I miss the bus entirely? If so does anybody have any suggestions about how to fix this is in a timely manner.
I really want to start working in UDK but I want to make sure I am on the right path before going any further.
I think there becomes a point when you are making props that you have to group them up into bigger chunks anyway, but your example there could still be split up so some of the bits could be used separately I think.
How should I go about Importing this mesh? Should I break it down into single pieces / smaller mesh groups or use ASE?
The only reason I didn't do it earlier was because I wanted to preciseness of the models that were done in Maya. As far as being in "place." But I'll bite the bullet and make them better suitable for use in UDK. Lesson learned. Thanks for the help.