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Bat W.I.P.

polycounter lvl 6
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cgdobrev polycounter lvl 6
Ok, before i go to bed i want to post this.

Does anyone know what that white shit is at the beginning? happens to all my videos. I rendered it in After Effects.

this will be for my demo reel, for whenever i gain faith in myself and start applying for jobs.

please give me your thoughts. give them to me.

Should watch in HD.


  • ScudzAlmighty
    No idea what the white is, sorry. I'd recomend a lighter background as it's hard to really see him half the time, and for a demo reel showing a good model is more important than a swishy background.

    Do you have any still images of the model at all? just screen caps with basic lighting? from the video it kinda looks like you don't have any texture detail aside from the flat colours and are trying to let the normal map do all the work. Unfortunatley a Normal map, no matter how good, can't do all the work. If you post some more pics we can probably give you some better crits.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    i think you need to rethink your camera on this. you generally only see a good shot of the front of him once.
  • Permafrost
    Definitely change the background color, it is very hard to see the model. Other than that, why don't you post some stills of it and your flats.
  • Racer445
    Offline / Send Message
    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    the white is probably due to the video's encoding. what encoding are you using on the file that you are uploading?

    youtube works best with h264 encoding delivered in the .mp4 container.
  • cgdobrev
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    cgdobrev polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks everybody.

    ScudzAlmighty - You're right, im using the normal plus the occlusion map for the "texture" to do a lot of the work. *I really am not sure how to texture this!*
    also i threw in a maya cloth texture in the specular attribute, which you can see in the bust.

    Oniram - you're right. i added a few cameras with better shots. i will wait to re-render after i get more needed crit.

    Permafrost - Done, and easily, since i rendered out .tga's with transparency channels from maya, and added a lighter background in after effects.

    Racer445 - AE output module settings are:
    Format: H.264

    and then in format options:
    Frame rate 30
    Pixel aspect ratio 16:9
    profile: Main *(dont understand this myself. must read manual.)
    Level: 5

    Basically most of those bitrate settings and the Level 5 i do not understand the meaning or function of, except if they are lower then the error window pops up upon rendering.

    Bitrate encoding VBR, 1Pass *(dont understand either, but error window if to low.)
    Target [Mbps]: 8.1...
    Maximum Bitrate: 11.31


    Here is the lighting. i was using maya default lighting. I now have a 3-point setup.
  • n88tr
    hands are too big
    i'm sure there are oodles of other crits
  • Mr.Wednesday
    I would agree with n88tr, the hands need more work. They seem too flat from the front view. By this I would assume that Bruce Wayne has long thin hands because even with the gloves on they are too thin. Also, I cant see from the pictures but it seems like the thumb is coming out from the side of the hand? Hard to say with the pics. The texture definitively needs more work but you are on the right track and this could be a cool piece so keep at it. :)
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