Well folks, it's been a while since I last posted, and I came back to show the PC community what I have been working on for the past 3 years. Here it is, enjoy
Btw, we have job openings, so if you are interested, hit me up. This project has been a blast to work on.
that was blur
couldn't help but be reminded of 'this one time..'
Shakey cam, will post nicer vidoes later. Btw, I will reply later to all the posts
No Mac love though? Only PC?
*cough*beta me please*cough*
I think the actual in-game stuff is much more impressive than the cinematic shown earlier.
Congrats for getting to work on it! Can't wait!
Incredible job, Spug (and the rest of Carbine Studios ofcourse)!
And the trailer... Well i just love Blur :poly128:
I'm interested in how the MMO comes into play, since those 3 characters seem to be very unique. I'm assuming each character has several trees to go down. Big beefy guy can be melee/tank, chica can be caster dmg/heal, and skinny dude is the ranged/rogue-like character?
Now come on over to the East Coast for some R&R... and cuddling.
The style kinda reminds me of SWTOR - but better! And Blur did their usual kick ass job with the cinematic.
I tried signing up for beta participation but the form seems to be broken, anyone else not able to get past the last page? I've tried in Chrome and IE but no luck.
I bags a beta seat!! :P