what i'd do is get flowgraph and get the current player location. then set the current location of the camera to that +something on one axis and adjust the rotation accordingly. activate the camera and set the game to thirdperson mode.
I had a little fun with this today. The one thing that really stood out to me was the AMAZING performance. And this fantastic forest level they had as an example...it was great!
Hello Im new here and I speak spanish, so I will try to explain my problem
I downloaded yesterday the crydev but when I run it it say username and password, well I go to website to crydev.net and I try to register complete all form but when I click on Submit button I dont receive some message for confirmation and I dont receive any message on my email address I tried yesterday and today and I receive the same problem!!. what happen? I cant use this great devep software. pleaase help me
Muchas gracias
Espero me entiendan
Shouldn't it be the same as importing any other object? I've never imported something as big as mountains, but I have constructed interiors using regular models. Check the documentations, should be extremely easy.
Not really happy with the the SDK so far, many many quirks and errors also what about this logging in to use the editor ? Are we UbiSoft yet ? Another thing that really bothers me no proper Maya Exporter after all these years, same thing when i tried to Mod Far Cry back then... i mean seriously all SDKs i used so far had several perfect working exporters for all major applications. Sad sad panda really....
Not really happy with the the SDK so far, many many quirks and errors also what about this logging in to use the editor ? Are we UbiSoft yet ? Another thing that really bothers me no proper Maya Exporter after all these years, same thing when i tried to Mod Far Cry back then... i mean seriously all SDKs i used so far had several perfect working exporters for all major applications. Sad sad panda really....
It's half baked content protection. The idea is that only you can edit your files.
HEy there major props for releasing the SDK. I got 3 questions:
1. how to get out of subobject mode if you modify a solid?
2. How to start a new level without terrain? the only workaround i found so far is to make the terrain small and cut holes into it
3. is it ok to haven open meshes? Meaning the backfaces are deleted. I seem to get some shadow problems with open meshes. The forest meshes do have open edges though. SO what's the best way to tackle this.
1. how to get out of subobject mode if you modify a solid?
2. How to start a new level without terrain? the only workaround i found so far is to make the terrain small and cut holes into it
Yes, that's the only workaround, CE3 works that way, if you want to make a level with interiors only, then start with an island, delete the terrain (optional), create a viz area, and create your level inside it. (Anything outside of the viz area wont be rendered)
3. is it ok to haven open meshes? Meaning the backfaces are deleted. I seem to get some shadow problems with open meshes. The forest meshes do have open edges though. SO what's the best way to tackle this.
It's ok to have open meshes, in fact it's even advice to use them to spare useless triangles; but obviously if the sun or any light casts through the back of the mesh you wont get any shadows or occlusion. (Workaround for this is turn on "2-sided" in the material.
Yes, that's the only workaround, CE3 works that way, if you want to make a level with interiors only, then start with an island, delete the terrain (optional), create a viz area, and create your level inside it. (Anything outside of the viz area wont be rendered)
wait what? Idk about the free SDK build but in the C2 build just uncheck "use terrain" when you do a new level. it will automatically delete all terrain then.
wait what? Idk about the free SDK build but in the C2 build just uncheck "use terrain" when you do a new level. it will automatically delete all terrain then.
Oh you're totally right, I stand corrected.
But personally I prefer to start with something on my level, and delete the useless stuff as I go, up to personal preference.
yes. it helps with the whole navigation in the level a lot. in general: for interiors, just use a massive portal/vis area to occlude it from the outside.
hey thx for answering HP. I got another sorta general question.
I know from UDK that it was always a goal to minimize the number of materials per mesh. I checked through the crysis 2 assets and have seen that they use a vast number of materials per asset. Like a house facade is using like 10 materials, a lamp stand 4 materials and so on. This seems wasteful to me. Is this engine differnt in this regard? Or are the materials itself simpler at the cost of using more of them?
Submaterials should be minimized as much as possible on production, but it's all a matter of balance.
Having different sub-materials can also help if used well, like if you have a submaterial that doesn't need shadow casting, just turn off shadow casting in that submaterial, you'll save drawcalls that way;
You can also divide your asset in various 512*512 textures if you have enough submaterials, imagine making a whole facade out of a 1k or a 2k, it's much simple to separate it with submaterials and have a trim, a base concrete, the glass, windows (etc) all separate.
on the other hand, too many submaterials also add a lot to drawcall budget, so again, balance is the key.
For a typical lamp post prop for instance, you'll have the metal, light (glow) and the proxy sub-mats, that's more than enough.
Just download, unpack and keep on doing cool shit
You'll need a Crydev account though.
Theres a few vids in the channel.
Foliage is really low res.
The good things are the lighting, water, looks 'bee ayy ootiful'
Everything runs on my machine with highest settings at about 60 FPS
I downloaded yesterday the crydev but when I run it it say username and password, well I go to website to crydev.net and I try to register complete all form but when I click on Submit button I dont receive some message for confirmation and I dont receive any message on my email address
Muchas gracias
Espero me entiendan
Are you talking about stuff like this? (where it is pure polygon based?)
> http://msf3d.com/CE2_Scene2.html
Export it out as a Static Mesh, and then load it up from "Brush>and select "Box" from the brush list.
Select "Geometry" where it says box.cgf and browse for the folder that has your exported model file.
What's this all about?
You gotta go to your registry editor (type "regedit" in your start menu search bar.)
From there go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Control>FileSystem"
Then in the window to the right look for "NtfsDisableLastAccesUpdate"
Double click it and set the value to 0. I'm not sure why it's necessary, or what its for, but it got rid of that message for me.
It's half baked content protection. The idea is that only you can edit your files.
more images
Competition!!! :poly142:
CE3 lens flare is better than the UDK one seeing these pics aha
1. how to get out of subobject mode if you modify a solid?
2. How to start a new level without terrain? the only workaround i found so far is to make the terrain small and cut holes into it
3. is it ok to haven open meshes? Meaning the backfaces are deleted. I seem to get some shadow problems with open meshes. The forest meshes do have open edges though. SO what's the best way to tackle this.
Yes, that's the only workaround, CE3 works that way, if you want to make a level with interiors only, then start with an island, delete the terrain (optional), create a viz area, and create your level inside it. (Anything outside of the viz area wont be rendered)
It's ok to have open meshes, in fact it's even advice to use them to spare useless triangles; but obviously if the sun or any light casts through the back of the mesh you wont get any shadows or occlusion. (Workaround for this is turn on "2-sided" in the material.
wait what? Idk about the free SDK build but in the C2 build just uncheck "use terrain" when you do a new level. it will automatically delete all terrain then.
Oh you're totally right, I stand corrected.
But personally I prefer to start with something on my level, and delete the useless stuff as I go, up to personal preference.
Looks nice! Any Chance of sharing the shader tree? or the material?
I know from UDK that it was always a goal to minimize the number of materials per mesh. I checked through the crysis 2 assets and have seen that they use a vast number of materials per asset. Like a house facade is using like 10 materials, a lamp stand 4 materials and so on. This seems wasteful to me. Is this engine differnt in this regard? Or are the materials itself simpler at the cost of using more of them?
Having different sub-materials can also help if used well, like if you have a submaterial that doesn't need shadow casting, just turn off shadow casting in that submaterial, you'll save drawcalls that way;
You can also divide your asset in various 512*512 textures if you have enough submaterials, imagine making a whole facade out of a 1k or a 2k, it's much simple to separate it with submaterials and have a trim, a base concrete, the glass, windows (etc) all separate.
on the other hand, too many submaterials also add a lot to drawcall budget, so again, balance is the key.
For a typical lamp post prop for instance, you'll have the metal, light (glow) and the proxy sub-mats, that's more than enough.
Example of a modular facade: