Hi all,
I'm following an eat 3d tute, and he's outlining hotkeys for various things, but none of my hotkeys are working, when I look at the StartupHotkeys.txt for zbrush, all it has is:
//ZBrush Hotkeys
[BRUSH:STANDARD,5447796] // Popup+T
[BRUSH:SMOOTH STRONGER,5447795] // Popup+S
[BRUSH:MOVE ELASTIC,5054565] // Popup+E
[BRUSH:MPOLISH,7151728] // Popup+P
[BRUSH:CLIPCURVE,4399203] // Popup+C
[BRUSH:CLAYLINE,4399212] // Popup+L
Anyone know how I can get all of them on, ie transparency "ctrl+t", subtool menu in the canvas "m", hide all subtools except one selected ";" , etc
Then, Preferences - Hotkeys - Store to save the config so that each time you start up ZBrush, all the hotkeys you've assigned will be there.
Hope that helps!
I've tried, and it didn't reconize that (just select subtool named blablabla....)