ArenaNet is once again considering internship applications. ArenaNet Class of 2012 will offer the following disciplines: Character Art, Environment Art, Technical Art/VFX, Animation, and Programming. Please consider the following application methods below, and make sure to include all necessary materials.
Program Features
- Small cohort. Work and learn with a small group of motivated interns.
- Professional environment. Hone your skills at the ArenaNet studio working side-by-side with top game industry artists in a dedicated work space.
- Meaningful work. Youll work on a variety of important art assignments that contribute to the success of the company, not grunt work.
- Broad training, relevant skills. Youll receive training in a broad variety of skills rather than specializing on creating specific content. We want our interns to emerge from the program as stronger all-around artists, not as experts in creating eyeballs or helmets.
- Hourly stipend. You will receive a $14 per hour stipend and will work in the ArenaNet studio Monday through Friday for the duration of the year-long program.
- Pacific Northwest location. Enrollees in the ArenaNet internship program will be expected to relocate to the Bellevue, WA area at their own expense. Bellevue is in the beautiful greater Seattle area, which offers a wide range of cultural and natural activities.
- Interns are welcome to participate in ArenaNet University, our internal program of classes and workshops presented by experts from our studio and guest speakers from the game and entertainment fields.
The ArenaNet Class of 2012 Internship Program is not an internship-to-hire program. Were not guaranteeing jobs to any intern in the program, but you will emerge from the program with an arsenal of professional skills, an incredible portfolio, and an invaluable experience under your belt.
yet there is no animation guideline?
guessing it's just sending in an animation reel that matters?
got denied the Ninja Theory anim internship (which I blame my very weak reel for! better stuff on youtube than my reel!), but I'll give this a chance! :poly136:
yes there was! a tiny portion at the end just before programming!
Another word for allowance, per diem, etc.
They're not calling it a wage or a rate because that implies employment and an internship is legally distinct from that. Using employment-related terms creates legal tangles.
Just American law system CYA stuff.,,id=185500,00.html
"immaterial" ... gotta love them taxerz :P
Is it unethical to post it on your website for other potential employers to see? Or just a dick move?
In this case it should be perfectly fine... You're not signing an NDA and it's being publicly advertised. There are plenty of people who post their stuff anyway, and in my experience there aren't too many people who would hold it against you, but I wouldn't show stuff made for secret/unannounced projects. I think you could classify that as a "dick move."
There's a school of thought that you shouldn't show art tests that "failed," but I disagree. Art tests can fail for a variety of reasons (sometimes it wasn't the art test that prevented you from getting the job), and what wasn't appropriate for one studio could be fine for another. Good work is good work.
the character art position says 5000 polys in one place, then 7500 triangles in another?
wait, what?
"The structure should be less than 3000 polys and use the maximum equivalent of two 1024
Yeah I was thinking the same thing...what's up with that?