Hello everyone,
If any of you recognize me, I am Anayar from the TGC forums. I was directed to Polycount by Asher (as he is called around here). Ive been reading through others threads and finally worked up the courage to post some of my own work.
This first sketchbook of mine is going to be on my Weapons Pack that I am developing for TGC. You can view the thread
Anyways, to give you dome background, I recently (last month) bought 3DS Max 2010. The first few models I will show in this thread are made BEFORE I got Max... as you will see, my work quality has gone up considerably through the course of this pack. I would love some feedback from the pros around here as to what you guys think of the models and let me know if I am making good progress.
So here we go;
G36C [Heckler & Koch G36 Commando]:
Textured with UV Maps:

HK UMP 45 w/ Attachments (Attachments are a WIP)
Enfeild SA-80 IW

Please leave some feedback and let me know what you think. I apologize if there was some sort of format I needed to follow... Im sure ill learn in due time!
Here is a character study I did yesterday;
Dont tell me, I know the hands are reversed... Im working on that
Other than that let me know what you think!
Without AO:
With an AO bake (My first try):
Id like a few comments guys, so please post!
"aight so the texture on your ak47 reads nothing like metal, it has no material definetion its just all noise noise noise. Thats not how metal is it reads more like concrete atm. And I'm willing to bet money the handle isn't made of wood"
I heartily agree mate. That AK-47 was done before I learnt how to hand-paint good metal textures. That will most probably be re-done or fixed up. The only reason i hesitate on this is that the gun currently looks really good in-game. As this weapon is made for FPS Creator, Im trying to make it look good in FPSC. The shader I am using really smoothes out the model and makes the texture look less noisy. Thanks for the great crit though... I will keep that in mind.
And actually, take a look. AK-47 handles ARE made of wood;
"As for the g36c (and possibly all the other guns) it looks like u just slapped a pic of a g36c on it. Don't do this, try to handpaint the values and define the materials yourself, it'll look better and you'll learn more about painting."
Actually, the G36 was a speed job. It was done using a mixture of hand-painting AND using ref. images. These were made to look realistic as possible which is why I used ref. pictures. But I myself have realized that hand-painting is the way to go, which is why ALL my future guns will be HAND-Painted (as seen in this post: http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=186647&b=24&msg=2242833#m2242833)
Anyways, thank you for the crit, I will keep that in mind as I go forward. The AK-47 texture will most likely be edited and the new guns i am making will all be hand-painted. Im a bit hesitant to re-do all the guns as this pack must be released by the first week of September and what with having to finish modelling, rigging, animating and importing few guns into the engine, this is not going to be an easy feat to accomplish, and i really dont want to make it harder!
Ah! A fellow TGC'er... nice running into you! Sure, ill post a few screens of the guns in fpsc in this thread in a bit... you can also view them on the main Weapons thread in the first post.
After looking over your weapons there I think you'd need to work a bit more on getting the volume/depth on them right. Right now they look a bit cardboardish and flat, you've caught the silhouette nicely from one axis but I think you'd need to look over it from the front angle too. Stock up on some weapon references where they're seen diagonally so you can get their width right across the main shape.
And.. um, is the man's left thumb pointing backwards? :icon15:
@Erafic; Thanks for the comment mate! And yeah, Ive been gettign a lot of comments abotu that, how my depth isnt correct. I will take yoru advice and make a few changes to the guns now.
And that has been fixed as stated in the post
@DR; Oooh, look who I found on polycount! Point me to one of your threads mate
Alright, UPDATE time;
1. Arm seams
2. Flipped Hand
3. Some Normal Errors
1. Shoes/Boots
2. Knee Pads
3. Pistol/Knife holsters'
Alright, so in this update Ive started adding the soldiers armor. The knee pads and holsters. Let me know what you think
No AO (IMHO it looks better :S):
Render with AO Bake:
C&C is appreciated.
Please let me know what you think! the crit is greatly appreciated!
1. Some Mesh Smooth Errors
2. Some Normal Errors
1. Gloves
2. Elbow Pads
Added some gloves and shoulder pads to the model... overall this is shaping up nicer than i thought :> Im also working on a female model... I might post a render today depending on how much i get done :P
C&C is greatly appreciated :-y
UPDATE TIME;(again :P)
BIG UPDATE: Made a new female character model... shes lookign better than i had hoped so far :>
Here she is... shares the same armor as Mr. Soldier next to her
And here are some shots of just her;
Alright, now I got to figure out how to model a female head... oh well, Ill figure it out :P
C&C is REALLY appreciated on the new model
As for humans, learn anatomy bit by bit. Learn to draw humans before you model them. It will help you tremendously.
And as for the anatomy, I never thought I could draw for shit, but I will give it a try! Thanks for the C&C!
looking good though.