I did numerous searches with nothing showing that this has been posted yet with the keywords.
For those who aren't familiar with the UK's new e-petition here is the break down:
"e-petitions is an easy way for you to influence government policy in the UK. You can create an e-petition about anything that the government is responsible for and if it gets at least 100,000 signatures, it will be eligible for debate in the House of Commons."
Obviously 100,000 is alot to get but if any UK based workers sign it there may be a chance, sadly non UK residents cant sign it, but maybe you have contacts that could increase the numbers

you might see the jobs come back shortly afterwards...
that's what's happening within the UK in case you haven't noticed. an originally pretty strong and diverse homegrown studio culture is eroded for little more reason than businessmen shopping around for the best subventions.
guess what happens when some place offers them a better deal than canada does.
considering I can't sign it because I don't have a UK postcode...