Yea I thought it was amazing!!!!!! My grandad died of alzheimers recently so it hit me pretty hard at times but the story and VFX were outstanding. One moment absolutely had my jaw dropped haha, wasnt expecting it in the slightest and it was so awesome haha (people who saw it will know, no spoilers from me ). We had people clapping and cheering at the end which was a bit mad haha, doesnt usually happen, I thought it may happen after Super8 but apparently the british love apes haha.
It was very, very good. Make sure to watch the 68 original sometimes before or after (doesn't matter!), it ties in very nicely indeed and there are a lot of little references to it all the way through the "Rise of".
One moment absolutely had my jaw dropped haha, wasnt expecting it in the slightest and it was so awesome haha (people who saw it will know, no spoilers from me ).
Use spoiler tags, I've seen it and yet have no idea what you are referring to
I was surprised how great it was, prequels are usually unimaginative cash-ins.
yea I saw this on tuesday and I loved it. I went in expecting it to be alright/good but it was probably my favorite movie of the year so far like others have said. nice fx work from weta and I love how the last little scene 20 seconds or so into the credits ties it all together really nicely.
I thought the movie was shit. The beginning scene of the ape busting through the window during the meeting certainly set a tone for this film. Hollow, cookie cutter characters I cared nothing about(the only character that had any depth was John Lithgow's). Too much CGI drawing too much attention to itself pulled me out of the experience. Another over the top, tension-less climax. I found only a few scenes interesting and I thought the references to the original series were clever. It took itself too seriously yet was PG-13.
The 1968 film is a timeless masterpiece that has aged remarkably well; in 4 years this film and the crap CGI in it will look completely dated. I was hoping for a deep, psychological sci-fi film that treated its audience with respect, instead I got a Gorilla jumping on a helicopter. Oh well, that's what I get for having expectations.
I'm really not surprised a fan of the original, who think it's a timeless masterpiece, doesn't like this new version.
The originals were spread WAY too thin. The first Planet of the Apes is a great film, the sequels... Not so much.
This Rise of the Planet of the Apes, was solid all the way through. I really liked it. The cgi was not crap, that's just a generic insult used by people who wanna jab at it one more time, but can't think of a real insult. It's the same with almost all other movies with cg. 5 minutes in to the movie, I forgot it was cg, and was fully on board. And the whole pg-13 "whine fest" has gotten old. The only reason to bitch about a movie's rating is when you're too young to watch it, or it's NC-17, so won't get a decent release.
I absolutely love the original with charlton heston, especially the first half hour
I will probably just not bother with the new one, I am sure it will just annoy me, but then I grew up in that era, ie late sixties, seventies.
I only really loved the first one, the rest were mehh.
crazyfool, i was hesitant to believe you wehn you said this movie was good, since you also said bridesmaids was one of your favourites of the year. bridesmaids was absolute SHIT!!!! sooo bad. i chucked maybe 3 times. in no way should that movie ever have been compared to the hang over.
that being said, this movie was amazing! loved every minute of it. my jaw dropped at one part too. but got a huge smile at another part.
When ceaser shouts NOOOO, i got the biggest smile ever. such a great moment in the movie! i was REALLY hoping they would start to talk in this one. so happy they did! but my jaw dropped when he shot the water at the guy with the tazer. haha. wasnt expecting that at all. too funny!
But ya, i really enjoyed the CGI. i dont think it was bad at all. i thoguht they were VERY real looking. at no point did i think they looked fake. though, I do think some of the animations were a LITTLE quick. but could just be apes being apes.
The original novel was subtle and philosophical. The 68 movie was ok, but with a bit of sugar in it, not as impressive nor deeply serious like 2001 a space odyssey.
This one was like, just another hollywood movie, with a pretty gollum, a useless woman and a lot of smoke. Nice cg tho.
the scene where caesar awaits the monkeys in the morning after having released the 113 virus overnight, greeting them 1 by 1 and looking for that new spark of intelligence is awesome. I loved how they managed to reflect that in their eyes.
Movie of the year for me. It even stitches into the ORIGINAL Planet of the Apes plot
Use spoiler tags, I've seen it and yet have no idea what you are referring to
I was surprised how great it was, prequels are usually unimaginative cash-ins.
The 1968 film is a timeless masterpiece that has aged remarkably well; in 4 years this film and the crap CGI in it will look completely dated. I was hoping for a deep, psychological sci-fi film that treated its audience with respect, instead I got a Gorilla jumping on a helicopter. Oh well, that's what I get for having expectations.
The originals were spread WAY too thin. The first Planet of the Apes is a great film, the sequels... Not so much.
This Rise of the Planet of the Apes, was solid all the way through. I really liked it. The cgi was not crap, that's just a generic insult used by people who wanna jab at it one more time, but can't think of a real insult. It's the same with almost all other movies with cg. 5 minutes in to the movie, I forgot it was cg, and was fully on board. And the whole pg-13 "whine fest" has gotten old. The only reason to bitch about a movie's rating is when you're too young to watch it, or it's NC-17, so won't get a decent release.
I will probably just not bother with the new one, I am sure it will just annoy me, but then I grew up in that era, ie late sixties, seventies.
I only really loved the first one, the rest were mehh.
that being said, this movie was amazing! loved every minute of it. my jaw dropped at one part too. but got a huge smile at another part.
But ya, i really enjoyed the CGI. i dont think it was bad at all. i thoguht they were VERY real looking. at no point did i think they looked fake. though, I do think some of the animations were a LITTLE quick. but could just be apes being apes.
This one was like, just another hollywood movie, with a pretty gollum, a useless woman and a lot of smoke. Nice cg tho.