Hi my name is Ben, Im pretty new to stuff like this, but i was told to come on here and post stuff that i do. it isnt very good yet but this is the learning process. I wont be able to update much yet as I am in america (im from the UK - visiting my girlfriend) and Im doing very little at the min, but ill update when ever i can. I am not really an artist but I do some digital painting every now and have to for university, I enjoy it and I hope i get better.
My posts will be a mixture of 2d and 3d stuff. Some will be done in my own time and some from university, I am studying games design.
I welcome critique recommendations, hints and tips on improvement. Thanks in advance and thanks for looking.
This was something I did a few months ago, when my first year in uni had ended. I worked from a maya book that i got. I used their stock image. It was entirely finished. But this was a result. Only took an hour or so.

Again working from a book I did this. My first attempt ever at a character. The book was pretty informative and I feel i learned something from doing this, so im glad i did it. They have a stock texture but i think i will create the texture myself when Im back home.

This is something I did when i arrived in the states. was looking to improve my colouring techniques, so i found a tutorial that shown how to do it with an apple, this could be alot better.

After the apple i wanted to do create a sword in maya, so i just set out to draw one first, this is the thing i came up with.

Then i coloured it. The hilt will be black leather. So i tried to colour it as best i could too look like leather.

I modelled the hilt first.

Then the final model. It has changed from the original sketches, because i liked the way swords end up thinner at the base of the sword then broader at the tip. Much like the mastersword from the legend of zelda

Im currently learning how to unwrap this successfully lol, ill post back when ive succeeded