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Formula's for organic functions?

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
Hey to all,

This is going to sound weird, I promise, it's not a weird fetish on my behalf, just research type thing.

I was wondering if there was a site or a way to calculate the functions of the human body and other animals.

For example, the human heart on an EKG has a certain pattern which is easy to read visually, but am wondering if such options are available for other organic functions as well.

I swear, this is not a fetish post, I'm just looking for said resource for graphical reasons.


  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I don't see how this could be a fetish but maybe I better don't know :) I made a beating heart material in UDK which required a pulse function. Of course it's not based on any real measurements but may be a simple example to start with:

  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    "Beep beep beep beep"
    "fap fap fap fap"

    Now something helpful;


    A quote from someones measurments;

    I have been asking myself the same question but being a bit more of an experimentalist, I have been measuring my (and my wife's) frequency and voltage with an oscilloscope...I have found that on the human body's skin (from touching the probes to the hands, arms, leg, foot, back) a frequency of about 68Hz and it seem the gentleman referring to 70Hz is backed up by my measurement.

    I though, "that is pretty close to the power lines (60Hz), wonder if there is some sympathetic resonance going on with the human body or something". I've built a lot of circuits and electronics but have never thought about it or applied it in terms of the human body and it has really got me thinking...

    Also, sort of interesting that the waveform is closest looking to a squaretooth wave...I would have thought it would be a sinewave which is much more prevalent in nature. Anyhow, I was searching google to find out more about this oscillation and first found this forum and thought I would add my contribution. I will double check to see if this frequency is all on the positive side or if it actually changes direction (goes negative). I am not near my equipment for a double check now but I think it does reverse direction and I am really perplexed on where in the body this is originating from.
    A study;


    General energy used for activities;


    Another paper on it;


    A quote from that study above;
    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationships of two cost functions with experimentally determined data on muscle energy consumption.

    I hope that helps a bit, I just shot in the dark since im not sure what your asking/ are you asknig for two things? Frequency + energy use?
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Ah, thanks guys, much appreciated, and yeah, I'm trying to do some material/sound effect timing, so some understanding on rhythmic organic components could help me. Especially true if I need to translate said idea to hybrid mechanical monsters.

    Again, thank you for the links, very helpful!
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