First things first.
Let's keep the bullshit politics out of this thread. For what little it's worth, this comp is being run by GA members Yung and Lamont (the latter of whom ran the Dreams and Nightmares comp a year or so back) so there's even less reason to get all petulant.
Game Artisans have just released the brief for this year's Comicon challenge with an "Alternate Universe" theme.
The first image I see is that of Captain Americana in hot spandex one piece, and now, I'm thinking with my small phallus on what other character can be rule 63'ed so I can fap to them.
Anyway, awesome sauce, and Vehicles included on this? How come?
Comic-Con '07:
Comic-Con '08:
Comic-Con '09:
Comic-Con '10:
Comic-Con '11:
Fred still put together the page and made it purdy, I did the brief, Yung is organizing judges and such.
I really wanted to bring in some mobile stuff, but next time... around xmas.
Also a question most people could answer, what kind of character could count? I figured it would be comic book heros only, however looking at last years challenge Link won, and other entries included things like a Space Marine unit from SC2.
Boo! Been dying to make a female Galactus.
Kudos to you Lamont and Yung for keeping the contest alive though!
but then i realised when i saw the page with the title being a unfinished link... lol nice one.
Aye cheers to all. I'm gonna do a yakuza batman. yoshimitsu style.
from the rules : Characters originating from video games or movies are not allowed for this challenge (Tomb Raider, Star Craft, etc).
but i guess that if a lot of people want to do some game/movie related characters, they could change the rules.
haha, hope you join :poly142:
This is a comp not a polycount comp this doesn't need to be in our news. Yes polycounters will enter the comp and support it but at the end of the day it is not our competition. If it was like a team up or something then I could see it needing a news post. But if we start posting comps for other sites in our news then we would be posting new comps every other day. Since there are a ton of sites running multiple different competitions these days.
Ah right thanks, I saw the bullet points below and skipped straight to those. It makes sense to have it only from comics, but I've never read one :poly124:.
Right, it is a Gameartisans comp. That doesn't mean folks on polycount aren't interested in it. Many of the other news items contain topics on other websites. Should we disregard them too?
In the past, comicon has been one of the larger comps with a lot more press around it. I could care less about any drama surrounding contests on the various different forums. All I want is to be exposed to news relating to game art.
Do what you like though. It was just a thought....
So tempting, damn time constraints.
A shame .. If i could make a western Link I would soooo join