Steve I actually think that that is the wrong attitude to have, do you really want to go back to making shitty ports? I think the Aus industry has slowly been rebuilding itself, this time without having to rely on overseas coin, and we're going to be the better for it.
I don't know man, gotta put my hopes somewhere. Working on Nicktoons games and DS ports kinda sucks, but you know, at least there was some meat to pick off that bloated carcass. We've got plenty of tiny indi studios milling about and quite a few of them are doing interesting things, but they've got no money to do anything substantial with and the local government has just reduced what little funding was available to them. At least if we start getting a few knock off contracts from who ever is going to be handling such thing now that THQ have pledged to focus on original IP, there'll be more money circulating and a possibility that we can drag this industry out of proverbial drain hole that it's circling.
Also yay, i like parity! it means that i make more moneys from you americans