This is one of my old environments I created in the purpose of practicing modularity. Sadly the only modular asset in the scene is the wiring and the pipes. I considered this project as a failure because I failed to make the modular assets snap to the correct grid (need to turn off the grid and aligning it).
Nice work man, just remember nothing is ever a failure and use what you've learned in your next project. Just a quick tip, try blocking out your environment in modular pieces/props before modelling everything in higher detail. This way you can check if everything fits, proportions and how the pieces snap too the grid.
Keep it up
I like the lighting but some parts of the wall look like you just took a wall photo source and just ran it thru a normal map generator without separating key elements. Some of the wall texture looks too noisy.
Sry to sound like a broken record, but yeah, textures are way too busy, especially the bump in your normal maps. They need to be softened up a bit, to be not so noisy. If you do want to keep the normals on all surfaces like that, try practicing with overlaying some of your super noisy normal map and "running it through 1 to 2 pixels of blur. Then play with opacity and overlay. I've found you can get some "crazy bump" looking things going on by using the nvidia filter in photoshop.
I really dig the contrast int the lighting though! Awesome practice for sure. Your first top down shot reminds me of all the hours I spent working in the G.E.C.K. engine
Needs thinner AO and less noisyness. your eyes need a place to rest and the thick AO is softenning up the image too much making It lose it's gritty feel.
Yeah I got excited applying detail normal map at every assets :poly142:. After staring at some rough walls and concrete materials I just realized that the bumps are to small to notice when afar so toning down the detail normal map and adding cracks or variation to the walls might give the walls more looks.
Keep it up
I would try to not rely so heavily on filter generated normal maps, or at least tone them down a bit. Keep it up man.
I really dig the contrast int the lighting though! Awesome practice for sure. Your first top down shot reminds me of all the hours I spent working in the G.E.C.K. engine
Yeah I got excited applying detail normal map at every assets :poly142:. After staring at some rough walls and concrete materials I just realized that the bumps are to small to notice when afar so toning down the detail normal map and adding cracks or variation to the walls might give the walls more looks.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.