Topology looks pretty good to me although i'm not sure about the edges of the lip, it looks like it could be a bit cleaner.
For animation purposes you should connect two edge loops at the inside of the knees and the elbows. this way when they bend they'll deform a lot nicer (hope that makes sense)
keep at it dude
It looks like a basemesh for sculpting, so it's not a finished lowpoly I guess? You would end up doing a retopology so I wouldn't bother with polishing it right now, just keep all more or less even quads and it should work. But if you plan to use this one as lowpoly you could get rid of some unnecessary loops.
Thanks guys! Ill check out all those links. It is a base mesh for a sculpt but was hoping I could avoid re-topology but Ill prob have to in the end I suppose. Thanks again!
Retopology is fun, that is the time that you know every awesome feature in your model will look and animate great. But i think I get what you mean, I tried to avoid that before I got used to making one for every model
Yeh I know Im just not a character artist as I said before so Ill have a bit of work ahead of me... for instance do I do the re-topology in max with a third party tool... or in zbrush and Ill prob have lots of other questions soon. The model Is actually for a customisation system so Im looking into how to do all the at the same time... baby steps I suppose
Just a quick question. can you do re-topology in mudbox and zbrush? or would I be better off purchasing something like wrapit?
Personally I still use kinda old and buggy script for Max, but I heard graphite tools offer decent retopo tool, never tried it tho, it is still on my todo list. As far as I know there's no tool in Mudbox and Zbrush isn't the best option, but I may be wrong, as I use Mudbox.
God i need to learn how to use graphite. Far too limited in my knowledge of 3dsmax 2012... Barely scratched 2009 and then went an got 2012 (stu) an they've piled on the new tools!
'Swift loop' is the only real tool i know out of graphite's jewels aha
So when people talk about the graphite modeling tools, they are reffering to the tools that are in the ribbons above the viewport, right? How are they different from the normal tools in the rollouts? I thought they were just shortcuts to make the UI better (Im new to modeling, started in max 2012)
Ok so tried MB out for the first time and its a really cool app! actually kinda prefer it to the little experience of Zbrush iv had... anyhow here are my experiments into anatomy and topology.. as I originally said I am by no means a character artist so any advice is really appreciated!
First off, you've got a sweet chiseled feel to your sculpts. Its a nice style.
As far as the topo goes, Its looking better around the brow, since you've got worked that self-contained loop of the 'eye-mask' region in.
Around the mouth, however, I think you may still encounter pinching where you've got that square grid at the corners of the mouth. Just redirect those loops running around the bottom of the lip upwards around the top. A commonly accepted area to place a pole is at the base of the nostril, and that placement is often used to set up the self-contained loop.
In this case, and in most cases of modern games, the topology mimics the underlying muscle structure. So, here you can see the those two sets of sphincter (mmmmmm) muscles around the eye sockets and the mouth. Both of those muscle groups help facilitate the motions of those regions in real life, just like they would virtually.
Here's a few examples by Ben Mathis from PC's own wiki...
Hey guys thanks, I do prefer the look of the mouth area on poops models. Is the mouth a true sphincter though... I don't believe it is? I think I ended up with more random tris in the end too which breaks up the edge loop selection a lot but ill work away at it some more. Not hugely worried about getting too carried away on a topology debate as Iv noticed there have been several well formed debates already scattered around PC but I would like this guy to be able to animate in as realistic a fashion as I can. anyhow cheers dudes.
Hey dudes, fixed up the mouth issue and rendered out a test normal map... also did a little bit of colour on the face to see what it looked like when painted in max... I used to use deep paint so miss the import to photoshop feature, anyone know if you can do a similar thing in max? also the model is for a game so the chest area is deliberatly flat as the character will mostly be wearing a tshirt.. if you get me. Crits very welcome as always!
For animation purposes you should connect two edge loops at the inside of the knees and the elbows. this way when they bend they'll deform a lot nicer (hope that makes sense)
keep at it dude
Good face topology thread
Also, I'm not sure that butt will deform well... I got sum nice tips here, try to follow them.
Thanks again!
cheers again though.
God i need to learn how to use graphite. Far too limited in my knowledge of 3dsmax 2012... Barely scratched 2009 and then went an got 2012 (stu) an they've piled on the new tools!
'Swift loop' is the only real tool i know out of graphite's jewels aha
First off, you've got a sweet chiseled feel to your sculpts. Its a nice style.
As far as the topo goes, Its looking better around the brow, since you've got worked that self-contained loop of the 'eye-mask' region in.
Around the mouth, however, I think you may still encounter pinching where you've got that square grid at the corners of the mouth. Just redirect those loops running around the bottom of the lip upwards around the top. A commonly accepted area to place a pole is at the base of the nostril, and that placement is often used to set up the self-contained loop.
In this case, and in most cases of modern games, the topology mimics the underlying muscle structure. So, here you can see the those two sets of sphincter (mmmmmm) muscles around the eye sockets and the mouth. Both of those muscle groups help facilitate the motions of those regions in real life, just like they would virtually.
Here's a few examples by Ben Mathis from PC's own wiki...
I hope that makes sense.
Thanks again!