SO lately, I've been getting back into drawing and such, and I just feel like I can't come up with any ideas that make me think "Oh that sounds really fun!"
I know this happens to people all the time, I'm just not sure what I should do to open myself up for more creativity (unless maybe I'm naturally not so creative)
play around with alchemy and try to find some interesting shapes that make you think of something.
You're basically asking someone to tell you how to feel, what to like and how to do your job.
Yeah, everyone does get into these ruts but there's no magic website that pulls you out of it and it's a total waste of time to even ask people "hey, what inspires YOU." It's just not as easy as pointing you (or anyone else who starts these kind of threads - which I assume you didn't look for, as there are way too many) to one resource because it works for me or giving you tips on works for me or anyone else because it's all different. For example, what inspires Hazardous is hardcore gay pornography. It's true. Does that inspire me? No. No, it doesn't.
C'mon man it was just that one time...........i thought we 'talked' about this.
Edit: To the OP safesearch off. You can find hours upon hours of inspiring stuff on there, you can get so inspired youll eventually find you cant live without it on a daily basis...srsly.
do your new own versions of this guy everytime your out of inspiration.
should keep you on a usable level
It's alot better then asking what inspired me, for me to tell you, only to then for you to say "Nah, thanks, I tried that already" in a thread.
I'm starting to get vexed by the number of people in the game industry asking for magic bullets for everything, I mean I understand magic pills for hernia's or backpains, but artistic work related magic answers? You might as well do drugs to get your creativity going.
Sorry if it sounded harsh what I said, but you have to understand that being an artist mean you knowing what to do and how to take in an attainable direction, even if this means you going fishing for the weekend and not getting any work done so that your brain get's some downtime from one area, so it's fresh. It's all about you, not something other people do.