Gentlemen- I have a question.
How many 3D app users are there in the world? Counting every software that are based on creating 3D meshes and animating.
Im doing some market reserch and is getting no-where fast. I cant estimate the total amount 3d app users because no one has ever made such a survey before. So im asking here, how many people on the globe is doing 3D art? whats your best guess?
Have you tried searching on Gamasutra?
~ ^ Pretty much. I think it used to be around 11, but a few died in a fire.
Points to consider:
-The amount of people currently learning/studying 3D
-The amount of people who gave up
-Not everybody does 3D (there are a ton of 2D artists)
-Not every 3D user uses the Internet
-People still attending colleges/uni's/CG schools who are yet to be here
Now do the math.
You're gold, that will help alot! thx. I though 7 sounded good too, but i think Kot_Leopold is just cooler than everyone else in here, so im gonna take his word for now
Edit: Im not sure about Kot_Leopold being the coolest though, no offense Kot but have you seen Gav's sleeves ? Shits hard to beat for coolness.
7 is definitely between 0 and 6 billion, so the math checks out!
That should be grammar Nazis.
OnTopic: Well, asking a daft question will get you daft answers mate, I mean how can ANYONE know how many people about of the 6-7 billion in the world use what-what.
I mean bloody hell, you could have estimated it, or asked us how many people have sex at any given moment, and you would still get the same answer. Last I checked, PC didn't run a Census program for 'Artists United under Numeric Numbers' banner.
This isnt really a daft question, its a very good one infact. True there are no one that knows the exact numbers but an estimation on numbers gives alot of perspective.
And true, i cant expect anyone to know these things but i gave it a stab and i got a good result, even with people trolling the thread.
I did get a very good answer, anyone who knows a bit about making money ask these questions. Just not openly like i just did. Roughly knowing the math and try to estimate if a market is profitable or not and weather there even is a customerbase for your product/service, you can see how big a market is by looking at numbers on adjourning markets or competitors for example, so tell me; is it really a daft question?
So in the end we potentially have around or over 1 million users of CG apps in the world.