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[Portfolio] – Ciaralli/ Joshua Ciaralli, (Environment + Asset Modeler)

So I been looking at polycount for over a year now and just didn't have the guts till now to post my work. I still have tons to learn program wise like UDK, Max, and zbrush. I plan to redo my website, but I love critiques on it as well! Pretty much I just want to get critique on my work and know if I have the potential to move on in my 3D art career. Any suggestions on what I should have in my Demo Reel/Portfolio. Finally I plan to rework my portfolio and I plan to make my best work currently to my worse piece of work. My best piece of work I believe is my Cathedral skyscraper. Thanks for taking the time to read this post and responding



Joshua Ciaralli

p.s. My writing skills are not top notch and I proof read this like 5 times, but I know I missed something.


  • Ciaralli
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    Bump, was really hoping for atleast 1 critique =/.
  • makecg
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    What up with the pink !
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    It's Friday night so don't expect much posts right away.

    Here's my take on your site and work:

    I agree that the pink'ish look of your site is a bit off putting. Also, pink on your resume... don't do it. Change that right away.

    I'm not an employer but I have a pet peave about videos. I want to see still screens first then video if I want to it in action.

    I felt there were too many clicks before I got to see your 3d art, I'm sure you can stream line that more. I'm not the best to critique 2d, but I think the peices you have are weak and maybe consider just get rid of the 2d section altogether.

    I suggest removing your About Me section. As nice as it is to write a small blurb about yourself, your site should be about your 3d art and not a autobiography

    I would remove "Inorganic Modeler" and "Texture Artist" and keep 3d Environment Artist. Enviro artists pretty much do all that anyways.

    Your art is missing important info such as wire shots, triange count and texture sheets.

    Bigger screenshots when I click on the thumbnails

    I think that its great your art is progressing, but it also has a ways to go. Your scenes are very basic, blocky and missing many details that make it look like todays games. It also seems like you're not implementing normal maps and specular maps, which are great to learn.

    I think learning UDK will help alot as you'll get to use normal and specular maps. I would start by making something small like a dumpster, or even an oil barrel, and just learn the process of modeling in Max, getting normal maps generated, and getting it into UDK. You'll learn a ton of useful things just by doing that and you'll move away from aweful max renders.

    Hope this helps!
  • confracto
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    confracto polycounter lvl 11
    honestly, the first thing I did was hit play on your video.
    the second thing I did was skim through for 5 seconds.
    the 3rd thing I did was turn it off, hoping never to hear that again.

    the music choice was bad enough that I don't even want to look at the rest, and you should consider that a common reaction.

    and the bright pink/purple is a bit odd/loud.
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10
    Honestly, take all the advice above, take a breath, it doesn't look like Blizzard will be calling next week, pick that project you have been wanting to do, and start a thread with your work from start to finish. Don't just agree with what people post in your thread, DO what they say, if it works great, if not, ask for more advice. If no one posts, continue working and post results later. Rinse and repeat and improve.
  • SgtNasty
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    I agree with all the crits above.

    Also, on your resume, the work experience that seems to be most relevant to art is at the very bottom of the list of your work experience. I know you have it in alphabetical order, but I would change it to have that at the top.
  • Ciaralli
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    Thanks for all the critiques! Resume has changed drastically, just haven't had the chance to update it on the site. I plan to take the site down soon, rework it a new color scheme lol... Also follow all the suggestions people have said. I know I won't have Blizzard calling me anytime soon. I just really wanted to know if I had the potential to be a great artist. Just by knowing the program Modo 401 because my college decided to teach that for a bit and then move back to max right before I graduated... Again thanks for the critiques and suggestions!
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