Some of you will know about the competition already, but for those of you who don't; Dare to be Digital is a 10 week student game design competition where teams of 5 are required to make a game which is then showcased at an event called Protoplay, here in the UK (Scotland to be precise). There are 15 teams, and they are from all over the world. You can find out more at
I took part in the competition a couple of years ago, and I know others here who have taken part too. It's a really good initiative which gives students an insight as to how difficult/fun/challenging it can be to make a game.
I've taken the time to gather all of the trailers from this year so that people can have a look at them. I couldn't find one of them, but oh well!
If anybody is around in Dundee next week, from the 12th to the 14th then come along to the Caird Hall. Be sure to come to the Crytek booth, as well as the presentation on Crysis 2.
Keep in mind that they were made in under 10 weeks, and that the majority of participants are still studying :poly121:
Not gonna look at them all but they look pretty impressive. I'd always hear of dare to be digital each year but I dont think we ever considered it. We actually had a compulsory game creation module which lasted for the whole of year 2 of university with groups of 10 people, first semester being the design and second production, and they don't look as good as those xD. I think perhaps it's because there wasn't integration of other courses in the uni like programming, so either people wanted to be the idea guy, the 3d guy, or just get-through-uni guy. It's like doing an mmo dungeon where half the people wanna be rogues and the other half don't wanna play at all.
I imagine you guys may have gone through similar things so hats off to the people who made these, good work.
There's a few cool things about the competition. Mentors are a big part of it, and you get feedback from people in the industry from loads of companies such as Crytek (w00t!)/Sony/Rockstar. You also get paid to work on the game in the summer. It's pretty sweet
It's nice to see how the competition changes every year based on what's popular that year. It's interesting to see that none of the teams for the past few years have bothered with the Wii for example.
I imagine you guys may have gone through similar things so hats off to the people who made these, good work.
LOL. I hear you... best description of that ever, by the way
Oh I see the chinese decided to forgo sleeping again this year, thats good.
That's the Indian team!
Our Indian team forwent sobriety, you can understand my error. :P