So, I'm constructing a sci-fi gun for my space marine. I just finished baking the high polygon mesh and added a basic color. Just wanted to get some feedback before I start on the diffuse map.
This first image in gray is the high polygon mesh. The second is the low polygon with the normal and an AO map. Thanks!
Here's the wire frame for the mesh. Thought it might help. As of now, the model is 1,058 tris.
If its a pure railgun, the amount of power required to accelerate the bullets to deadly velocities would vaporize parts of the bullets (plasma gun ahoy!, which is actually less effective than a kinetic railgun, because you're essentially shooting fire) and would require a dozen cubic metres worth of contemporary batteries, nuclear power, or some other arbitrary fantasy-scfi power source.
Even as a normal smg, that barrel length is rather short.
I know this has nothing to do with artwork, so take it with a grain of salt, but i'd suggest moving the ammo clip to the rear of the gun, which looks rather purposeless and stitched on at the last minute.
Otherwise it looks good and has a certain borderlands feel to it.
I gotta move on to posing it now.