I [we] are at the final stages of hardware assembly and my older brother is helping me [or doing it all since I'm a total noob at building a new computer] put all my parts together in my new tower. I whip out my Win 7 x64 dvd and he launches into a heated argument why XP is still good and x64 XP is plenty good for me and he wants nothing to do with [and in fact will not even touch the win 7 dvd] win 7 and will not help me install it and also [blackmails I think] me to not use win 7 EVER. If I do not agree to his demands he will walk away from the project and I don't know who I'll turn to for technical help. Probably be you guys again.
I want a LIST for reasons why Win 7 x64 is needed and not Win xp for my computer install. Please convince him [he can be convinced but he is the most stubborn person I have ever met in my life.]
Please help me guys.
i-7 processor
8 gigs ram
500 + 250 gig harddrives
750 watt powersupply
I was told by a lot of people including this forum that Win7 and esp the x64 version is for me since I have 8 gigs of memory. I was told that Win 7 x64 processes memory more efficiently, etc but I need more than that as a reason to convince my brother to help me with the install of Win 7 x64.
Please guys.
86x can't handle more than 3gb ram
if you don't get win7 your brother won't get any more blowjobs
cut his tongue off
1) XP x64 driver support is very, very poor.
2) XP has been cut off from future technology, so IE9, DX11, etc. are all out of reach to XP users. It is old, it is crusty, it needs to be retired.
Worst case scenario, let him install XP, then when the computer is all yours, install Win7.
And explain that its not XP compatible.
And neither will any DX11 game coming out in the future.
Like 20 things guys
He doesn't listen to 1 reason when he just makes up sh.it on his own
seriously overload me with reasons here. drown me in reasons
At this point why bother? He's obviously not gonna reason and get you to install Windows 7. Just get someone else/newegg etc to build it for you.
More ram, better ui, more stable, dx10 & 11, drivers.
I used XP for a long time, didn't upgrade until Win 7 and haven't looked back. It is so much more of a joy to use once you get used to it.
It's pretty rude and in poor taste to hold your brother as a hostage on what simply is an OS choice, and to let his fanboysim be such a point that he would be even a douche to his own brother. Windows 7 is better then XP due to the fact that it's the only OS with any support today and has proper toolset in the x64 department. Hence the reason most program developers on the side of art and games jumped board.
I can't recall how many times I tried starting up a game on my friends x64 version of XP and it would say files are missing, till we went about and downloaded manually every single DLL needed, even then it would crash around 3/4 in the game for some blighted reason.
Simply put, 7 is the next best OS, if you keep XP, you will suffer, especially if you're not a tech-savvy person who has to go around and debug every error in x64 XP.
As for reasons, let's see.
-DX11 is Win7+ exclusive.
-It doesn't cut out on the RAM like XP did.
-Most games are leaving behind XP (Just Cause 2 for example).
-Better real-time toolset (EI: You can install programs to view TGA, PSD files as thumbnails and is stable).
-Better management of the Virtual Memory.
-Less restrictive then Vista, more streamlined the XP in data transfer (best of both worlds).
-SM3.0 is limited to 16 texture samples unlike SM4.0 is you're making shaders.
-ZBrush can offset more RAM even in 32 bit mode (it will load extra RAM as cache usage, as opposed to XP, which hard-locked it at 4GB).
-Graphics card, when overlocked, are less stable on the XP x64.
-UI is more more open to changes and the batch files functions are much easier to debug.
-Only alternative to Vista with support and patches.
-Has most basic functions for artist enables, meaning a Wacom tablet out the box is usable and functional, minus fancy settings, unlike XP.
-More control over sensitive folders if you want to clean your PC from temp and junk files and ability to take directive control over the Registries to make permanent changes easily if you wish.
-More secure since they locked out more of the 'useless' options such as the possibility to put up animated wallpapers through HTML.
-Newer versions of Autodesk products don't like the UI and Memory management of XP too much.
2. XP is outdated, old, cut off from the future, ur brother is being stubborn and stupid.
3. XP is outdated, old, cut off from the future, ur brother is being stubborn and stupid.
4. XP is outdated, old, cut off from the future, ur brother is being stubborn and stupid.
need I go on?
Tell ur bro to go use a mac if he is gonna act that way.
He won't know the difference.
why does he not want win7? There's no reason to be against an upgrade. It wouldn't matter if win7 was a marginal upgrade over vista (it wasn't) and most people didn't switch, if you want an upgrade why does it matter to him?
If he's got such a hard-on for xp then he should defend using a legacy OS. Does he even have reasons?
Also if he really won't budge, let him be a child and walk away. Tons of people would be willing to help. What do you have left to do?
Or let him install WinXP 64bit (if he's even thinking of installing 32bit do him a favor and snap the disc in half).
Then ask him why just about any game that has shipped since 2009 won't run in DX11?
Why can't you run UDK in DX11 and use all the new wonderful DX11 features?
Why did you bother buying a DX11 card if your POS OS won't run DX11?
Why is it your brand new technological marvel can't do basic things like all of its friends?
Here's what I suggest doing, install win7 yourself, if it pisses him off tough shit its time to man up and take full charge of your hardware/hobby/budding career.
Now that you're left with a giant technological monster that is spinning dangerously out of balance inches from your head, you need to learn how to tame it. To get over your fear of the hardware, over the next 6mo-1yr, you should buy some of the cheapest PC parts you can find and cobble a system together yourself. Don't spend more than 500 and try your hardest to fuck it up at every turn, learn what you need to and don't be afraid to mess things up (this is why every ones first car is going to be a beater...) If you run into something you don't know how to do or the manual doesn't cover use the computer your brother build to google an answer. Yep its that easy...
Also, what counterpoints did he bring up? Kinda curious on how he would say Win7 is worse than XP.
If someone tried to do that to me i would just not ever talk to them again.
and like someone mentioned, get some cheap parts and build a comp to learn how it all works, been building my own rigs since i was 13, nothing too it.
probably because its 15 bucks XD
A few features that I like.
Libraries. This is like virtual folders. You can have a reference folder with all your pictures in. You can have these pictures on different drive, different folders, dotted all over the place. But they are always in these libraries.
You can auto change wallpapers after specified times. I have a folder with tons of wallpapers which are set to change randomnly after three hours or so.
Lots of gadgets which do all sorts things like monitor the hardware, recieve radio, with negligable performance impact.
The windows are transparent around the borders, "its amaazin".
Damn... That's a lot of games! I can't even count them all.
22... I think.
Also, that's just about every game PC market got since 2009, did I get you right? So, how many total then? 25? 26? PC gaming market kicks ass!
Yeah, that guy should really show that HUGE list of 22 games (5 or 6 of which actually benefit from DX11) to his brother. That'll convince him!
That's a smart move, drop a few hundred on ram and a video card he'll never use... that totally makes sense. Even if there is one DX11 game that he wants to play but can't is enough to justify having the hardware and SOFTWARE to support the game. I've upgraded PCs for less reasons than to play a game.
Did you miss the new DX11 features in UDK? What part of holy shit I can start playing with the next round of console features NOW! Want a next-next-gen job, show some amazing next-next-gen stuff. It will never be more impressive than it can be right now so I guess he should totally wait until its old hat then start working with it?
Do you think that list is going get smaller or bigger as time goes on? What about when the next round of console hardware ships and DX11 features are standard? Most of those titles don't fully embrace DX11 because the main platforms don't support it. It's the same reason a multi-platform game won't embrace hardware specific features and shoots for the lowest common denominator.
What exactly are the advantages of WinXP over Win7? I'd love to see a well thought out argument for stay with XP and dealing with all the problems.
Are you just a console fan boy trying to make a dick-ish point?
Well why did he help me install a new proc and memory? Those were "unnecessary" as well if I were to follow his logic.
Then he claims that as my older brother it is his "responsibility" to help out his younger siblings by choosing the best option for them.
He also claims that I chose win 7 [which he won't help me install anyways] he will never speak to me again regarding computer matters
I called him a stick in the mud
Yeah, Directx 11 is not a good point for Windows 7. Microsoft may have retarded/ballsed up pc development for a while with they way they have dealt with DirectX.
and how old are you that he sees you as incapable in making choices like this?
But you're too indecisive to make your own decisions and you're somehow stuck doing what he tells you, on your own computer?
Honestly, you could have easily started this thread and said "What are the benefits to using Win7 over XP", and kept out all the bickering childish little boy stuff.
You're 26 freaking years old man. Install what you want on your own computer. Thats all there is to it.
No point at all.
What does it have to do with this particular case? Where did the topic starter say anything about getting the latest DX11 card?
I can't find a single mention on DX11 video card from n88tr in this thread.
Making things up - that makes sense.
Did the guy say he needed the new PC for UDK?
He didn't say anything about his reasons. And no one even asked him.
Probably, you long standing members, know each other well. But I don't.
I dunno.
I'm on Mac.
No, I just made fun of your dick-ish-ly silly statement on "about any game that has shipped since 2009".
I was thinking of fooling [and greatly pissing him off but I don't care about that] him and saying that i want the hardware all set up and working and i'll install xp. after all the hardware is working I'll jerk it away and install win7 myself.
If you're going to be serious about
I bought XP64 4 years ago for my then decently spec'd pc.
I installed it once. Most everything I needed didn't run properly, or couldn't install, or otherwise was just a major PITA to do much with.
So I uninstalled it, went to xp32, delt with not having 100% of my ram available, and have been working on that ever since.
While 64bit support is much better now its geared toward OS's that are supported by their manufacturers.
Your brother is dumb for a number of reasons, but the biggest one is that by having you install XP64 he is making you more reliant on HIM for support and less able to do it yourself, or have official support channels help you.
And yes, what is the budget? I'm kinda curious as to how you fared overall on price vs performance.
I say install Linux :> but really, Win7 for sure. I know of a variety of software that does not run on XP, even at 64 bits.
I find Win7 less efficient (both in terms of UI and memory usage), more annoying to use, about the same stability, and I cant judge speed cause I used a HDD with XP64 and a SSD with Win7.
it's overwhelming to google [how to make a computer?] and i have all this hardware and if it doesn't boot i don't know where to start trouble shooting
It's like stumbling in a dark room looking for a light switch
Use Win7 for a year and then move back to XP, you will get the same feeling about XP
Sorry to put it so blunt, but stop being such a cry baby. Get your shit together and start building it damnit. A computer is so easy to build. there used to be a time where mounting the processor was tricky, but that's gotten even easier these days.
The hardest part might just be hooking every motherboard cable up in the correct socket, and that's just like a big puzzle (little kids also do puzzles, they succeed).
Seriously, this topic is such a silly drama that it's giving me a headache...
It's no big deal.
Just get a book from a shop or stick to one good website(or just follow the instructions with the actual components). It really is so straightforward. You just shove the cpu into those little holes, screw those bits on, plug those bits into the other things. You cant plug anything into a wrong place.
The beeps will tell you if theres a problem, if theres no beep then thats more of a clearer problem(plug it in?).