Yeah, so there's a movie "based" on the boardgame Battleship coming out soon.
I'm hoping the action sequences will deliver, the rest looks like crappy filler. Loose cannon hotshot, pointless love interest, daddy issues; consider the first half of the movie automatically terrible.
Also why the hell did everyone start using "Crysis 2" aliens all of the sudden. Is it all one designer working on Crysis2, TF3 and this? There are some very uncanny similarities. I'm not sure where the look originated, but it's popping up far too often now.
This looks like they ripped from Rock'em Sock'em Robots.
Battleships look... odd. It would have made more sense to make it a cartoonishly over the top war movie than something with what are presumably aliens.
Cg looks nice though.
I don't know what to make of this trailer at all...
Yes... yes they did. :poly141:
There are a lot of movies in the re-works as well. Robocop 1. I think Total Recall but i'm not sure. Theres quite a few. Which in my oppinion if its worth re-making then it doesn't need to be remade. And if it could really gain something from a remake then its probably not a movie that was ever really worth re-making in the first place.
With out looking around the interent. What board game movie will be next!!!
Shoots and Ladders?
Candy Land?
Mouse Trap!!! I have my money on that. A Mouse Trap movie.
BTW, Can you be kicked out of a theater, or even a town, if you throw your own feces at the screen?
I prefer to think of them more as "ship-liners".
My money is on Monopoly.
What about the Matrix designers? Them robots be the grand-daddies yo!
Rated R
Didn't it come out already? Something with Michael Douglas and Shia "Whoa whoa whoawhoahey whoa HEYwhoa wha uh whoa HEYHEYHEY" LaBeouf?
; )
A lot of those designs in the Matrix were heavily, heavily inspired by H.R. Giger and Masamune Shirow. They even mentioned as much in the commentary for the first film, when the nursemaid robot enters the scene in the powerplant.
iam i in the wrong side if i like it a bit?
It's a long shot but hey, so is the plot for this movie.
Yes, sadly total recall is in the (re)making, starring that douche bag Colin Farrel.
On board game movies, I read elsewhere that alongside Monopoly, there are also a Candy Land movie and new adaption of Clue/Cluedo on the way.
Aliens which have crashed and are damaged, waiting to be picked up, get knotted by humans, in last ditch effort, aliens see humans as hostiles and send out the EMP to blind them and give them a fighting chance.
Also, scared humans might retreat and bring in the bigger guns, they tie them down in a scaled local warfare.
From a certain perspective, if they keeps the plot point simple, and follow the simple formula, you have to give credit that this is, for the layman's term, the only way Battleships movies would make ANY sense. I mean if they pitted humans vs. humans, it would be all sneak attacks followed by ideological dicotomies about human nature and what monsters we have become, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Plus, Battleships also had a certain level of military hardware era in it, another Pirates of the Caribbean chase wouldn't work.
However, the blatant attempt of not even trying to partially disguise the name is what really pulls it out. If they made small nods here and there, kinda like what Aliens vs. Cowboys did with Gold, Foreign powers and Natives, Battleships would have been a blast to watch, I'm pretty sure, with your usual savvy movies goers explaining how this was a hidden gem which plays on the board game in the only way possible.
As I said, it can be fun, as long as they keep the plot simple and CG-fest the hell out of it. I don't need another case of "Dr. McDreamy working with Megatron" to complicate my life when I'm in for the ships, aliens and CG.
Jackblade. Its not really that I don't trust you. I have no reason to distrust you. But I had to look. I thought "isn't that the guy that did Alien?" Like. Really. Ridley Scott? So I just had to run a search and see for myself. The first thing on Google is like "Worst Idea Ever.. Ridley Scott to do Monopoly movie"
Also Jackblade.. Colin Ferrel? AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did like him in Horrible Bosses though.
But man. Original Total Recall is amazing and timeless.
Oh wait. Does Colin play Quato?
"I got 5 kids to feed!" "Thats why I choose Outback Steak House"
*Grinder makes transformer-like sounds*
No midgets because everything is PC now.
*Inception Horn* during the towns no-oxygen scene.
Walks out of theater
Can't top this. You can't top it. Not with how movies are done nowadays.
Rihanna said she's starring in it, also.
It could be a good one for the kids. Boardgame movies don't have to suck!! :P
No actual hate here. I just like making fun of stuff like all the machinery in a movie sounding like Transformers now. And the Inception Horn. lol!
Some of these movies are pretty far from hate and i have hopes for them - especially robocop. But its more along the lines of some of them seem like money and effort would be best placed into something new.
This ties back into the Board game movies too. I can't tell people what to do with their money and time. No way. Its all good. But i'm still gonna joke around about it and have fun with it because I love new movies like District 9 and I kinda have to roll my eyes at Battleship Board game The Movie. Monopoly The Movie. And all the remakes.
Whats good is good. And i'll be open minded about it. But i'm still gonna say that we've run out of ideas!
huh? bad movies or movies that weren't faithfull to the source are exactly the kind of movies that should be remade. John Carpenter's The Thing was a remake - he chose to make a movie that was true to the source.
Total Recall is getting remade, I haven't read much on it and haven't read the original Philip K. Dick story yet but I'm sure the Schwarzenegger movie was no where near the mind f**k that the Dick story is.
Followed by...
"You sunk my..."
I bet it will involve something to do with the aliens being blind.
Or maybe their both blind.
How can anyone watch a film like that.
I must be thinking a re-make of a movie, not a reinterpretation of the source material.
When i'm told about re-makes i'm always told about them as "remakes of the film"
So like Robocop The Movie is being remade, or Total Recall the Movie is being remade. So I imagine that its basically like the new Halo remake. Where its literally an uprez and modernization.
So basically in my original statement, if a movie is worth being remade (meaning it is a great movie to begin with) then you shouldn't remake it because its probably still great and doesn't benifit from a CGI Quato. or a CGI Ed209. Here is an good example: [ame]
Justin: If it is a re-envisionment of the original source material then yes I can see a reason for that.
On another note. I just don't like it when somebody says "Have you seen Total Recall" and you have to state "Which one" to which the answer "The good one, ofcourse" can spawn needless and endless arguments. The Thing is considered a timeless movie. So now we might have a fun time with our little "Which one"... If the first one was botched then a "remake" is awesome. A "re-imagination of the source material" is probably always cool. But a remake of an already good movie can just be annoying. I'm -not- hating on it... I mean look at all the awesome Batman reboots! Some great re-envisionments out there!
But at some point it becomes a cluster-fuck.
Colin Farrell is also doing the Fright Night re-make, which could work if they keep it ridiculous and gory like the original, but the trailers so far look pretty douche-y.
I'm pretty against a remake of The Thing, but at the same time the original is just so fucking boring.
is a prequel/prelude to John Carpenter's The Thing according to the description.
I'm only seeing that one 'cause David Tennant's in it.
Yeah, I actually have no care for a Spiderman Reboot. They can do it all they want but i'm not really interested. Basically hat I said is they are gonna have to pull pretty damn hard to get my attention. I'm probably more into Battleship movie than Superman and Spiderman tbh!
They really botched it with Spiderman 3...... Speaking of cluster fucks
I mean are they going to remake Inception 10 years from now? hehe.