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polycounter lvl 11
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L polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys and gals. Figured it was time to start posting some stuff I got in the works. Going to have a table at the Austin Comic Con in November, so Im putting together some prints and such for it. Got a few pieces I've been wanting to finish for a while now and I figured this is a good excuse to do so. These two pieces are for an illustration series Im doing called "Knights of KOE".
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Nomads Workshop:

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The Brass Kingdom:

This thing is a pinup I've been itching to get back to. Its not for any specific project, it's just something I have been building up for a while now, adding new ideas here and there until it just came together. Its going to take me a long while to get this done, but Im mostly just looking forward to working on it more...
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A Hostile Mind:
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