Full Page Edit: (Just to make it easier if this thread becomes huge)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xajEw4s60nk"]Maya -Duplicating Objects Along Path - YouTube[/ame]
I am almost finished with this script.
The purpose of this script is to try to ease the pain that other similar scripts put you through when duplicating along a curve. What I noticed in other scripts were that you needed to select you’re object, place locators to get the width and what not and then finally you can duplicate it only after realizing that some measurement you were supposed to make was wrong. I wanted to take those ideas and make it easier for you to duplicate and tweak.
Here is the download link.
http://www.zukodesign.com/downloads/scripts/Z-dupCurve1.0.zipTo run it put it in your scripts folder and open up the script editor and type in
import dupCurve
Much Appreciation!
Anyhow I'll post the finished script soon.
Here is the download link.
To run it put it in your scripts folder and open up the script editor and type in
import dupCurve
When its open there are a few things in your face.
To just use the script without any special modes, keep it on "None"
1. Select your object
2. Select your curve
3. Click the "Attach to curve" Button
4. Then click Dup Curve
I will go ahead and make up a video and what not tonight to demonstrate the rest of the script's functionality.
I am taking feedback and will use that feedback to develop the script more.
The answer is yes to a point. After you get your first line of objects duplicated there are things you can use to tweak them. If you click the Autoupdate is "off" button .. it will switch to Autoupdate is "on"
then any changes you make to the cv curve will re-duplicate the objects.
I am working on documentation right now for it.. Gonna layout the features and what not
new download link..
Still working on docs.
also, I forgot to mention earlier.. this has been tested on 2010 2011 and 2012.
2010: Doesn't work yet
2011: Kinda works
2012: Works.
Working on compatibility after docs
Help Docs
Working on the video next, should have it soon.
Also... here is some action pics
Note: 2010 is significantly slower, but it still works.
Dup Curve 1.0
import dupCurve
// Error: reload(dupCurve)
// Error: Invalid use of Maya object "dupCurve". //
But that is awesome that at least 3 people have used it and have had it work yippee!!! Thats enough for me.
I know its a bit late but ankit, the error you got is because you are inputting the code into the wrong tab. Make sure you have the python tab selected. (:
I love your script but I'm having some trouble with the way it rotates the objects,
as you can see the tooth (its for a zipper) rotates on it's Y axis around the curve, I've tried different settings for the Twist and Vector but all it seems to do is change the way it rotates, and I really need it to keep the Y axis the same. Is one of these settings supposed to control that?
# Error: ImportError: file <maya console> line 1: No module named dupCurve
I thought this might mean i didnt put the scripts in the right directory but i have double checked and i am sure i have.
I am using maya 2014 on Mac os - any ideas?
I fixed it using this blog post here:
@Passerby. It uses motion paths.
@uk_resistant on mac you need to put the scripts in a different folder than you would for pc. its located somewhere in ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts
That should solve that issue so you don't have to put the exact directory in there.
Its been awhile since I have looked at this script. Probably needs a little bit of love.
Thanks everyone!
Since this is my first post on polycount I have no idea on how to upload an image otherwise I would.
# Error: Cannot use the same axis for -followAxis and -upAxis flags.
Am i doing somithing wrong ? Oo
However, after I updated to Maya 2014 I can't get it to load. Where do I put it in Maya 2014?