now imagine if PCs could actually run GTA4 at more than 10 fps!
That mod inspired my purchase of GTA4 on PC and it's like watching a slideshow on my PC rather than playing a game.
My comp is by no means ultra high end but it's not that bad (SB 3Ghz i7, 8gb ram, gtx475). If anyone could enlighten me on how to get it to run at anything above about 15fps I'm all ears.
The only way I've managed a stable, enjoyable framerate is by changing my settings to 'Xbox 360'.
That mod inspired my purchase of GTA4 on PC and it's like watching a slideshow on my PC rather than playing a game.
My comp is by no means ultra high end but it's not that bad (SB 3Ghz i7, 8gb ram, gtx475). If anyone could enlighten me on how to get it to run at anything above about 15fps I'm all ears.
The only way I've managed a stable, enjoyable framerate is by changing my settings to 'Xbox 360'.
I played it on a friends core2quad with a 8800gt and 4 gigs ram, and it ran better than xbox 360 settings, at 40 fps, I remember it is very processor heavy and that was right after the game was released.
Are you guys serious or pulling me hair ball? I have been using ENB since the start, even when it was a flimsy excuse of a program, and I had generally a pleasant run in GTA4 without much performance issue, unless something gets really frantic.
I managed to play gta4 a while on my computer. Just turned down some settings and I get like..20 ish fps, stable. Mess with more stuff and it's like..almost 30 or more at most times.
I have a laptop <_<
I just can't save my game because I don't feel terribly inclined to make a Games for Windows live account. This mod is.. pretty cool looking? I mean i'm not too huge on making stuff as "realistic" as possible but it looks pretty good compared to most attempts to do the sajme thing.
Does anyone know of anywhere that they discuss the technical details of what they are actually doing/changing? Is there some feature list or bullet-points or something, at least?
I have the steam version of GTAIV and i tried this mod. it works. and it runs at about the same framerate as without the mod, surprisingly. between 30-50 fps.
i have a single nvidia gtx260 i7 running at like 2.8 and 6 gigs of ram. i dont understand what everyone is talking about this game running slow. granted, im not running at my full screen res, im running at like 1600. but without this mod i can get a solid 60 fps and with it, 40ish.
i think it was bad when it first was released, but gotten better since they patched it.
I played an earlier version of the same mod back in '09. It ran at about 25-35 fps on my Asus laptop which has GeForce GTX 260M and 4 gigs of RAM. Even without the mod, the performance was the same so I was pretty happy with that. =]
Ya know, as pretty as all the environments and cars and mechanical stuff looks in the 1080p vids, it just seems to highlight how artificial the human characters are. Especially in the motions.
Sometimes.. it might be better to have things look uniformly less than real than to have some stuff look outstanding and then have a few things look very artificial by comparison.
They haven't, each part of the 'revamp' has been done by different people who simply had them put into one place for easy access.
For example, 3 people so far have contributed to the shaders, 2 have done the revamp of the cars, and 1 for lighting, and from what I gathered, this guys never came into contact with one another until this major project collection idea came along a few months ago.
No one I know of so far has done any major changes to the organic assets in the game, I guess anyone who knows how to make trees are working for SpeedTree.
I'm going to play devils advocate here and say no to photo-realistic murder simulators. This is probably a minority view here but i just think games should look like games.
I'm going to play devils advocate here and say no to photo-realistic murder simulators. This is probably a minority view here but i just think games should look like games.
I installed GTA ENB after seeing this thread. It looked like poo and halved my performance, although, admittedly, I didn't read the docs or tweak the variables...which I guess you're supposed to do.
the bad part is that if you want to go back to vanilla, you pretty much have to uninstall and reinstall.
you dont have to do this, if in steam right click on properties and validate integrity. it will fix whatever the mod overwrites. takes a while to fix but not nearly as long as a full reinstall.
I'm going to play devils advocate here and say no to photo-realistic murder simulators. This is probably a minority view here but i just think games should look like games.
I'm going to play devils advocate here and say no to photo-realistic murder simulators.
I'll be honest, as much as I enjoyed the most recent AVP game, the Predator trophy kills of the marines were too much for me, so I can see what you might mean.
I'll be honest, as much as I enjoyed the most recent AVP game, the Predator trophy kills of the marines were too much for me, so I can see what you might mean.
That is absolutely gorgeous. I cried a little. :poly136:
I'm going to play devils advocate here and say no to photo-realistic murder simulators. This is probably a minority view here but i just think games should look like games.
I'll be honest, as much as I enjoyed the most recent AVP game, the Predator trophy kills of the marines were too much for me, so I can see what you might mean.
Yes, the sadistic undertones the AVP Game had where really disturbing.
And I have to agree that games should still look like games... but I guess the evolution of graphics is unstopable.
I just remember how I saw those primitive first 3D Games as a child and how a kid these days must see a game like GTA4... I'm not sure if we reached a point where videogames COULD do actual damage.
(Don't try it on your VAC-protected games guys)
why are all those images thumbnails? i had to click a few links before i found a screenshot at fullres, suddenly it doesn't look that revolutionary.
That mod looks like that would soon change things though :P
That mod inspired my purchase of GTA4 on PC and it's like watching a slideshow on my PC rather than playing a game.
My comp is by no means ultra high end but it's not that bad (SB 3Ghz i7, 8gb ram, gtx475). If anyone could enlighten me on how to get it to run at anything above about 15fps I'm all ears.
The only way I've managed a stable, enjoyable framerate is by changing my settings to 'Xbox 360'.
I played it on a friends core2quad with a 8800gt and 4 gigs ram, and it ran better than xbox 360 settings, at 40 fps, I remember it is very processor heavy and that was right after the game was released.
Not sure if anyone's checked out this guys site but does some pretty amazing photos with GTA4 and ENB:
I have a laptop <_<
I just can't save my game because I don't feel terribly inclined to make a Games for Windows live account. This mod is.. pretty cool looking? I mean i'm not too huge on making stuff as "realistic" as possible but it looks pretty good compared to most attempts to do the sajme thing.
Supposedly 1.3 will fix this right?
i have a single nvidia gtx260 i7 running at like 2.8 and 6 gigs of ram. i dont understand what everyone is talking about this game running slow. granted, im not running at my full screen res, im running at like 1600. but without this mod i can get a solid 60 fps and with it, 40ish.
i think it was bad when it first was released, but gotten better since they patched it.
I want to play this.
Sometimes.. it might be better to have things look uniformly less than real than to have some stuff look outstanding and then have a few things look very artificial by comparison.
For example, 3 people so far have contributed to the shaders, 2 have done the revamp of the cars, and 1 for lighting, and from what I gathered, this guys never came into contact with one another until this major project collection idea came along a few months ago.
No one I know of so far has done any major changes to the organic assets in the game, I guess anyone who knows how to make trees are working for SpeedTree.
I'm going to play devils advocate here and say no to photo-realistic murder simulators. This is probably a minority view here but i just think games should look like games.
you dont have to do this, if in steam right click on properties and validate integrity. it will fix whatever the mod overwrites. takes a while to fix but not nearly as long as a full reinstall.
so like 20 minutes tops?
nice screenshots!
can't figure out if trolling or not.
I'll be honest, as much as I enjoyed the most recent AVP game, the Predator trophy kills of the marines were too much for me, so I can see what you might mean.
That is absolutely gorgeous. I cried a little. :poly136:
That you can actually knock down by driving into them at 120MPH.
Looks great!
But you can snap lamp-posts clean off the ground... got any pics of cars doing that?
point taken...
Yes, the sadistic undertones the AVP Game had where really disturbing.
And I have to agree that games should still look like games... but I guess the evolution of graphics is unstopable.
I just remember how I saw those primitive first 3D Games as a child and how a kid these days must see a game like GTA4... I'm not sure if we reached a point where videogames COULD do actual damage.
Not all games are Space Marines, and Demon Lords.
Heavy Rain could've had additional realism, and I would have welcomed it.
Same goes for all sports simulations, and more immersive experiences.
The experience of GTA greatly benefits from this mod.