It seems like an attempt at pack in as many attention grabbing headlines in one article.
The terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, wrote about how he used Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and World of Warcraft to help train for the attacks.
I hear he also trained with a wooden mop handle, therefor we should ban all mop handles. Clearly when you use something for its unintended purpose, it's that objects fault.
It only briefly touches on that subject - I agree that it's an attention grabbing headline.
For those scratching your heads - when innercity black kids kill someone, meh, if a suburban white kid does it "OMG there must be some evil influence corrupting him!!!"
Pscchh. Killing has always been a part of human nature since the beginning of time. We can use anything and everything as an excuse to try to blame these murders on. Anarchism, religion, video games, music, movies, books, The fucking Beatles, Love, Drugs, babes. Who knows..maybe.. these terrorists are just.. crazy? Anyone ever thought of that? Fuck, it was only 150 years ago we were slaughtering native Americans. Killing and murder will happen no matter what medium is available to us.
The guy briefly explains that videogame/media violence is only used as a scapegoat with white folks, whereas with minorities they are more accepting that it's just something wrong with them.
And then the guy defends media violence as not being a cause of real violence, and you guys are getting up in arms about media violence being blamed for real violence.
The guy briefly explains that videogame/media violence is only used as a scapegoat with white folks, whereas with minorities they are more accepting that it's just something wrong with them.
And then the guy defends media violence as not being a cause of real violence, and you guys are getting up in arms about media violence being blamed for real violence.
It's a good point! Any time I've seen a story of violence from minorities, no matter how directly its related to video games, there is never a big fuss over it.
But if it's a white guy then video games are clearly to blame!
Although personally, I suspect this has more to do with racism in the sense that a big news outlet with no ethics like Fox would say "White people are so great that we need video games to corrupt us into being crazy, while minorities are just always crazy."
Yeah, lets discuss the real issue. The article's title is "Blaming video games for violence is racist" but there's only 2 paragraphs devoted to the subject, I think the author is reading the Huffington Post's Guide to driving visitors to your site.
Here are the two paragraphs to save you some time.
"But clinical psychologist Christopher Ferguson, a leading expert on video game violence and mass killings at Texas A&M International University, said video games arent to blame for this tragedy. Nor are games like Doom and Quake to blame for past U.S. massacres like Columbine. In fact, he believes placing the blame on video games whenever a white male is guilty of a killing spree is racist.
I know its a little controversial to say but theres a certain type of racism in place with these killings, said Ferguson. When shootings happen in an inner city in minority-populated schools, video games are never brought up. But when these things happen in white majority schools and in the suburbs, people start to freak out and video games are inevitably blamed. I think that theres a certain element of racism or ignorance here."
I wasn't talking about the article, more of the article mentioning that there are some people blaming the attack on the dude planning with COD4 and WoW
When it comes to minority shootings, crime stats point the finger at gangs, drugs, poverty and fatherless homes, more than "oh they're a minority therefore they are inherently evil and predisposed to violence because of their skin color". That's retarded I don't know any journalist that would actually use that to explain violence over police reports and crime statistics.
That's almost as stupid as saying the judicial system is racist because it incarcerates more minorities than it does whites. You need to look at the overall social picture before drawing wild conclusions and speculating wildly. Is it that the judges are racist or they happen to get more offenders from certain races because there are deeply troubling issues going on in those communities where society has broken down?
There are plenty of crazy white people who don't have the excuse of poverty, gangs or drugs, this guy is one of them. But if you say serial killer to most people I would think they imagine some crazy white guy... maybe that's just me... =P
If this guy came from the US everyone would just say "yea they're nuts over there, crap like that happens all the time". But when the guy comes from the Disneyland of Europe they scratch their heads and dig hard for answers.
The police and media typically use this little chart when determining what is to blame.
1) Gangs
2) Drugs
3) Poverty
4) Fatherless home
5) Mental instability... movies? comics, music... games?
With this guy they ran through the list and stopped at his long rambling manifesto... not games, even if people who are hypersensitive to the games/violence issue are picking up on the link I don't think anyone is really giving it any serious consideration.
Sometimes, video-games are all that is keeping us from going insane. Living in a fantasy world to escape the mundane objects of life is enough stimulation for us to keep the crazy off.
Some people on the other hand are crazy by nature or have inner issues that stemmed from either hormonal issues or parental issues (which this guy has both of).
Blaming videogames for violence is political. It's a reactionary course of action. People are always looking for a scapegoat for society's ills. It's got nothing to do with race.
That last video has actual footage from the place, nearing the end of It with the kids/teens on the floor? wow...
I saw this bullshit coming once I heard about this rampage I was like here's some more bullshit to feed the argument that games are the reason, now LOTR's? .lol.
This guy was sick, the end.
For what ever reason now people need someone/thing to blame, cause some how everyone's normal at birth and society corrupts us and who ever does this shit has to have been doing something which has manipulated his normal mind into killing a ton of people. F-cking games...F-cking Lord Of The Rings damn you Peter Jackson for making such a memorable movie! This ass-hat was a nobody and he wanted to be a somebody(that's how I see It). Obviously he is crazy but knows what the f-ck he was doing cause you have to put thought into this shit to dress up like a cop, cause obviously people would run towards a "hero" cop then some guy in all black who looks crazy, burn him slowly, then put him out continue It for a month straight, then keep him alive to humiliate him.
This shit gets me mad, killing teens that could have f-cking been some one important, he should have shot himself.
I hear he also trained with a wooden mop handle, therefor we should ban all mop handles. Clearly when you use something for its unintended purpose, it's that objects fault.
For those scratching your heads - when innercity black kids kill someone, meh, if a suburban white kid does it "OMG there must be some evil influence corrupting him!!!"
Whatever happened to good old fashioned "That dude is a fucking maniac"
Can't people just be plain 'crazy' anymore?
People need to know that their precious little babies arn't being affected by the same demonic spirits!
The guy briefly explains that videogame/media violence is only used as a scapegoat with white folks, whereas with minorities they are more accepting that it's just something wrong with them.
And then the guy defends media violence as not being a cause of real violence, and you guys are getting up in arms about media violence being blamed for real violence.
It's a good point! Any time I've seen a story of violence from minorities, no matter how directly its related to video games, there is never a big fuss over it.
But if it's a white guy then video games are clearly to blame!
Although personally, I suspect this has more to do with racism in the sense that a big news outlet with no ethics like Fox would say "White people are so great that we need video games to corrupt us into being crazy, while minorities are just always crazy."
Here are the two paragraphs to save you some time.
"But clinical psychologist Christopher Ferguson, a leading expert on video game violence and mass killings at Texas A&M International University, said video games arent to blame for this tragedy. Nor are games like Doom and Quake to blame for past U.S. massacres like Columbine. In fact, he believes placing the blame on video games whenever a white male is guilty of a killing spree is racist.
I know its a little controversial to say but theres a certain type of racism in place with these killings, said Ferguson. When shootings happen in an inner city in minority-populated schools, video games are never brought up. But when these things happen in white majority schools and in the suburbs, people start to freak out and video games are inevitably blamed. I think that theres a certain element of racism or ignorance here."
That's almost as stupid as saying the judicial system is racist because it incarcerates more minorities than it does whites. You need to look at the overall social picture before drawing wild conclusions and speculating wildly. Is it that the judges are racist or they happen to get more offenders from certain races because there are deeply troubling issues going on in those communities where society has broken down?
There are plenty of crazy white people who don't have the excuse of poverty, gangs or drugs, this guy is one of them. But if you say serial killer to most people I would think they imagine some crazy white guy... maybe that's just me... =P
If this guy came from the US everyone would just say "yea they're nuts over there, crap like that happens all the time". But when the guy comes from the Disneyland of Europe they scratch their heads and dig hard for answers.
The police and media typically use this little chart when determining what is to blame.
1) Gangs
2) Drugs
3) Poverty
4) Fatherless home
5) Mental instability... movies? comics, music... games?
With this guy they ran through the list and stopped at his long rambling manifesto... not games, even if people who are hypersensitive to the games/violence issue are picking up on the link I don't think anyone is really giving it any serious consideration.
"What ever happened to "crazy"?"
Some people on the other hand are crazy by nature or have inner issues that stemmed from either hormonal issues or parental issues (which this guy has both of).
By the way, related news:
I saw this bullshit coming once I heard about this rampage I was like here's some more bullshit to feed the argument that games are the reason, now LOTR's? .lol.
This guy was sick, the end.
For what ever reason now people need someone/thing to blame, cause some how everyone's normal at birth and society corrupts us and who ever does this shit has to have been doing something which has manipulated his normal mind into killing a ton of people. F-cking games...F-cking Lord Of The Rings damn you Peter Jackson for making such a memorable movie! This ass-hat was a nobody and he wanted to be a somebody(that's how I see It). Obviously he is crazy but knows what the f-ck he was doing cause you have to put thought into this shit to dress up like a cop, cause obviously people would run towards a "hero" cop then some guy in all black who looks crazy, burn him slowly, then put him out continue It for a month straight, then keep him alive to humiliate him.
This shit gets me mad, killing teens that could have f-cking been some one important, he should have shot himself.