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[Portfolio] Weapons & Props Artist

polycounter lvl 9
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Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
Hi everyone! It´s been a while since I posted on Polycount, and I thought now is the time for me to show youmy portfolio. I´m going to use this the coming weeks to search for a job.

C&C about the site itself are very welcome, and C&C on the artwork aswell.




  • MonkeyMHz
    Offline / Send Message
    Simple, functional... Its solid for a portfolio site.

    On your resume page, having a link to a PDF or DOC file of your resume would be good.

    A few nitpicks would be, black text on the purple background (not the biggest fan, but that's personal preference). Some borders around your images would improve aesthetics.
  • Mattcho
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    Mattcho polycounter lvl 12
    Under your resume section i think the "additional expierence" is cut off at the bottom.
    I agree that a border would help pop out your work from the purple background to.
  • MiAlx
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    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man, love your art!

    Only two things and the second is just a suggestion (and a personal preference):

    1) What MonkeyMHz said. It's always good IMO to have a .pdf and .doc file of your resume available!

    2) Your resume text has a center alignment. Maybe if you aligned it to the left, the text could be a bit clearer and faster to read through.

    Like this:

    I changed your info, so I don't cause you any trouble or anything :D
    Hope that helped!

    Good luck with your job search, man
  • Cheese_Shinobi
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    Cheese_Shinobi polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the tips guys!

    A .PDF-resum
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    hey man :) like the works so nice going there.

    my biggest remark on the site itself though: get rid of the purple background, really. personally I'm convinced just a white background with black text would be good for this. portfolio reviewers want a clear, non-disturbing and oversightful portfolio. the first and last conditions are fullfilled here, but that purple color really distracts the eye form your works, which is something you obviously don't want.

    hope this helps :)
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