Hello everyone,
I'm trying to remember the name of a 3D short that was made about 3 or 4 years ago now. I'll try my best to recall what happens.
The opening credits are black telephone poles and the credits change between the phone lines as the camera moves past them.
The animation starts out with a cowboy looking man on a bus that stops in what looks like a dystopian Vegas. Then it cuts to a guy in an apartment building biting a pill or something. Then it shows a girl in a coffee shop and she kills some guards with barbwire tendrils. The some little guy is trapped in a prison and does 'something' and breaks out. After that the four of them fight on a train and the ending is like them constructing some kinda weapon and makes a massive explosion.
I know this isn't very helpful, I think it was done by an animation studio out of Korea and it was cell shaded and had a very cool style to the textures.
Any help recalling the name or linking to the video would be most appreciated.
[Edit]: I was told by my boss that CGS did a piece on it at the time. If that helps at all.
Since the topic is pretty generic I hope this isn't considered a thread-jack, if so many apologies
He's in a room and I think he's trying to get outside....
This was at least, 3 years ago so I don't quite remember it that well :poly127:
I remember watching something like this!! dammit i'm not gonna sleep tonight.
It was a battle between a robot cow and some other fighting character. I remember the artist having a pretty cool looking website
Thank you so much!
Looks like "Borderlands".
that one's called Cubic Tragedy: