This is going to be a big project for my portfolio.
My goal is to create the best looking AR-15 using custom components:
- Receivers: Spikes tactical Biohazard
- Foregrip: Daniel Defense RIS Mk2
- Sight: Troy battle sights or something similar
- Additional accessories: m203 for more Rambo style, Magpul grip.
The final model should look similar this rifle
Biohazard lower receiver is still heavy WIP
E: 3230 tris, about 20 hours of work so far. Click thumb image for wire.
the bake result tourn out amazing
but i have a crits on this area .. did you give it 1 smoothing group ?
Thanks for your feedback man!
The first receiver render is just weird light reflection, surface is very smooth on model
There are clear hard edges in the second image, I did it because I wanted to avoid extreme waviness /mesh misalignment, I have to correct this part in photoshop.
Thanks man, I tried to set up my cage as perfect as possible to minimize later photoshop work, it's a good habit.
I baked using 3ds max scanline renderer. I know most of guys here love xNormal but I never managed to bake anything right using it.(maybe I didn't put a lot effort into it)
Hi poly meshes are renders, low poly meshes are viewport grabs, shading using 3point shader. Forget what I said before about photoshop, because I love doing post production on renders/photographs.
I'm trying to keep this project alive, but I don't have plenty of time to focus on bigger things like receivers so I'm trying to work on small things first.
Hope you're not disappointed, haha.