I've looked at some of the fantastic work that can be found through the website banner, but I'm wondering, is there an index for all the randomly generated links to work in progress posts? Just a quick look through a couple gave me a massive boost in inspiration and motivation!
Also, would anyone care to share some links to their favourite sources of inspiration/is there an index for that somewhere? I trawl though google images and have difficulty finding really good stuff. Atm I'm working on something sci-fi/cyberpunk, so that in particular is something I'm looking into.
But sometimes it's not enough.
On a side note it's worth going onto youtube and typing in behind the scenes <game title>.
They have a whole channel to games behind the scenes which you can find here:
The Reference Thread - Polycount Forum
Real world environment art inspiration. - Polycount Forum
HP's Dropbox
I have others, and like 40-50 portfolios bookmarked as well, Probrably a bit overkill to post 'em all though
Pretty sure sex is the answer to most problems! haha
Mark Dygert
I tend to lean towards character design, but i'm interesting in most things as long as they are creative and well presented.
As for inspiration I've been lacking it for awhile too. Seeing badass movies help alot tho.
Otherwise just google around some more. That usually does the trick for me.