I have an Intuous 3 wacom tablet and recently noticed it stopped working. The cable had previously worn out where it rubs when I push and pull it out of my desk so I wrapped some cellotape around it and it seemed to work fine. Basically the tape has worn through and I think it must have shortcircuited the wires or something because it's scorched and now doesn't work/power on.
Assuming it's just the cable and I haven't damaged anything in the tablet what would be the best way of replacing the usb cable that connects the wacom to the pc? Can it even be replaced - i'm assuming it can?
i'm not trying to be a pessimist here, but seeing as the cable on the intuos3 is not replaceable as far as I know, that's what I would expect.
Maybe try to find someone in your area that might be able to do the job, like someone who fixes computers and other technical devices for a living. Probably don't even have to pay much.
@Noors: what's the name of that?
That's pretty much like that in any cable i've tried to fix... And yeah noors got it, welding is the way to go here.
If you have a soldering iron, just put some solder on the stripped tips and you're good to go to put it in a connecting strip.
But I personally would just test if you get current from the cable to begin with using a multimeter (you can get those for like 20$ and quite possibly less). If you do, the problem is either the broken bit in the cable or a short circuit in the board.
What I'm trying to say, is that replacing a cable is peanuts; if you fried a component in the intuos itself, you're kinda screwed (and I speak from experience
then you have replacable cord
(but since wacom tablets are reasonably developped im sure you can just unplug the cord after opening the case and just solter a new cord to that plug )
You're probably right, you may not even have to weld it, it could be just a plastic plug for easy aftersale servicing (in that case it's even quicker to repair)