Hi all! I am thinking on starting a sci-fi prop and detail object library. It will consist of floating geometry like screw heads, cable sections and other interesting sci-fi looking object. Ill make the sort of objects that can be used in sci-fi projects in making floor panels, wall panels, and other objects that might need a sci-fi look to it. Im thinking of making categories. Here is where I need some help. What categories should a library like this contain? What number of object per category would you find satisfying in a library of this kind? I personally think that 40+ would do nice. No? Would you pay for a 40+ per category sci-fi library of this kind? Im asking because I do want to share them at the end, either in paid form or free, or maybe a free standard pack. Let me know what you guys think about this. I will follow up with some polls after I see some ideas. At the moment I just want to see if there is interest or a need for this kind of stuff beyond my own of course.
You'd need something like cylindrical meshes, bolts, grates, vents, pre-made pipes, etc.
If I would pay for it? Mm... probably not but I bet a lot of people would grab it for studying purposes (I personally enjoy to study other peoples meshes / workflow)
Personally, I wouldn't pay for it, most likely. If you made these pieces all modular you could maybe get away with selling it in the Unity Asset store?
I think it would be tough to sell to other artists on polycount. Speaking for myself here, but why would I buy your stuff If I come here to practice mine?
Its more likely that you will find people making games in Unity with no artistic talent who do the code side of things and look to the asset store for things to use.
In polycounts case, it wouldn't work because many of us like to know our own assets incase we need to revamp them or fix them up.
You could take a look at that to see what they've done vs. what you want to do and pricing.
Jeremy Lindstrom: Hehe
Gsokol: Thanks, Ill check out the Unity Asset store. 70-30 sure sounds good.
Ace-Angel: Thank you! Thats a good idea, Ill keep that in mind.
Ben Apuna: Thanks for the link. That's a smart idea. Thanks again