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Muscle Man WIP

polycounter lvl 9
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Patackular polycounter lvl 9
Hello all,

Working on an anatomy study for personal development and as part of larger project which all starts with Generic Muscle Man, who harnesses the powers of bland, fighting style alongside mediocrity, as and when it suits him.

Still needs work especially on the feet, hands and ears.

Critique would be much appreciated. :thumbup:



  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks, I'll get on to that.

    Here are some larger images:





  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    I kinda feel like his arms needs to be a bit longer, good work so far though. Are you working in perspective mode as well?
  • fabio brasilien
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    fabio brasilien polycounter lvl 11
    You should take some time and work on his general proportion. His general curves are a bit wierd.
    It looks like you stressed a lot with his muscles, but forgot to construct his silhouette.
    Come back some subdivision levels and work only on his proportions, once it is right you can start to sculpt his muscles.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Aside from previous crits, his pelvis is missing, it should be at least 1 head in height, which means the lower portion of the abdominal area extends a lot lower in reality.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys.

    I'm actually working solely in perspective mode :S
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    Your muscle definition is very much just drawn on the surface. There needs to be more dimension in how the muscles overlap.

    Not sure what reference you're using, but the overall proportions are still a bit odd. For someone that ripped I wouldn't expect their mid torso to be so wide.

    The pose is also quite stiff and super flexed. I recommend relaxing him a bit and to try and impart some more gravity.

    I think bringing his toes together would help his feet look less monkey-ish. Maybe you're doing that to make it easier to sculpt or something, but in situations like this it might be better to keep the toes together and isolate them with polygroups when necessary.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Appreciate the advice Haikai :thumbup:

    Here's an update:





  • The Boss
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    Did a quick paintover to try and help. The first thing that sticks out to me is the rib cage is too wide. It forces the arms to connect to the torso in an awkward fashion. Use references to get the shape of the cage down, don't bother with individual ribs yet. Also the elbow and the hips need to be worked in, they are both rather abrupt.

    Beyond that it's all about form. You have proportions and placement down well enough (hips are a little low) but shape and form needs to be ironed out. Right now muscle groups are very geometric and connect to each other in a very inorganic manner. Get references and try to capture the major planes, ignore small details and work on a lower subdivision level.

    Hope that helps a bit.

  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Brilliant. Helps a lot, especially with the paint-over as a visual aid.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Still need to work with areas like the elbows in particular, but here's my progress.





  • Craaaig
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    The lower insertion point of the Bicep is far too low, the elbow wouldn't be able to bend with where it is now.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Ok, had a play around. I think the overall form is looking better. Still need to address head, hands and feet.





  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    You're improving well. I'd suggest taking a look at a skeleton, and studying it a bit too. I don't know what you've learned about the skeleton but to me it seems you don't quite know well enough yet how the muscles connect to the bone, and that might cause some coins to drop.

    I'd concentrate on the stomach and rib area. Proportions as well, and lower back and obliques. :)
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Much appreciated :thumbup:
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Still looking into the skeleton, but here's an update for the time being:





  • n88tr
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    he's still got a pretty big ass, too much fat there
    and his calves are pitiful needs more mass
    try adding muscle fiber striations to him like on his back, triceps, chest
    and his chest muscles are decently defined but too small
    and there's too much uniformity to his muscles. i'd make his left pec bigger than his right SLIGHTLY or his right arm's bicep bigger than left, etc
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    looking pretty good so far, I did a super fast paintover for you (bit rushed), I think you got everything in the right places but just needs a little shifting around to get the proportions and shape right, might help to drop a subdiv or two to get the shape in easier. Main thing I saw was his back is too thick from the side view and maybe pushing the hips forward and rolling the gut some will give a more natural pose. your obliques are also running too low and too many (see image below).



    hope it helps :)
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    It does. Thanks a lot guys :)
  • Ikosan
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    the main shapes of the limbs and torso and head appears to be a bit square. I think this has come from you trying to match front and side views too much, in general terms the muscles work in helix's and spiral down the limbs. I'd go back to an earlier subdiv and get the shape of main elements like the rib cage sitting right in the chest and how the pelvis sits (a lot of muscles sit on or lead to the iliac crest so its crucial to get that right), once you've got these shapes all the smaller elements just slot into place
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Ah ok. When you say in helix, is that the direction in how they link and wrap around the bones?
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    I wanted to create a low-poly base mesh for this and would really appreciate some feedback on improving my understanding of it. Trying to create a mesh that was as low-poly and even as possible, while holding the form of my high resolution sculpt. There are a few poles, but it seems difficult to have edgeflow that's animation-ready without any. Just wondered if the ones that were present were necessary.

  • Ikosan
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    hey sorry didn't see your reply earlier, yeah when i say helix its the way they flow round the body and link into each other. You get these major lines which run down the body.


    Also concetrate on sculpting the shape of the muscles and not the cracks in between. A few of your muscles apear 'drawn on' and don't contribute to the shape, perticulaly the muscles of the torso, i'd first sculpt the rib cage and get its shape right then you can see where the muscles sit in relation to that. As for the low poly i think thats fine for what you want, maybe add an extra loop to define the shape of the lips more.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks, that really helps.
  • Cortes
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    Cortes polycounter lvl 6
    I'm learning a ton from this thread. Nice progress so far :D
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Ha, me too! I will have to get back to this when I can.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    ;) One of these days.
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