Hello Polycounters!
This is my first post on polycount and I'm glad to join this great community. I saw so many beautiful works on this forum, it gave me a thirst to learn from you all!
so I recently felt in love with a concept from Viktor Jonsson

and I've decided to improve my skills on hard surface work, and UDK (using directx 11 render). I'm not really familiar with sub-D modeling (I do not really have the opportunity to use this method to my work), so I expect to receive some good and technical advices at the following of this post.
so there is the first asset i'm currently working on (high rez version, this is WIP - max2012 viewport):

I think this first attempt will help me to get familiar with color and material setup of the scene. Then, I will put in place the volumes in UDK...but fun first! :poly142:
Thank you for any comments or criticisms!

*high fives*
Judging by the concept layout, a modular design could come in handy, as a learning experience and easier placement.
I'm absolutely loving the orange shade though.
I have fixed some scale problems on the pillar (it's more thinner now).
the level of detail will increase gradually as I go on high-resolution meshes, in order to unify those objects. so I'm thinking about adding some details for the next steps, using meshes variations (pillar with pipes and wires, electric boxes...).
High Poly modeling.
this is gonna be cool.. O_O
...but when I got back to the thread, I thought instantly that some parts are a little too "toy-ish" (I don't know if I can say that in english...). I found some parts are little too coarse (chamfers?). I should probably take some time to reduce this impression...
edit: Floor01 bake test (diffuse contains only color informations)
this ^
Your models and bake both look great. They are very clean, have nice details and I look forward too seeing your progress.
I might be wrong and I've highlighted what I think Floor01 is in the concept. If it's not please disregard my comment. If it is, it looks square and it may need to be extended to look more rectangular when compared to the floor piece next to it. I guess you could always use it throughout the environment regardless what modular piece it is.
Keep it up, subscribing now!
mmmh...I don't know for real (lol...I'm serious)...I've just placed two omniz in my viewport and assigned a standard material with a high specular exponent...simply, I felt that I liked the result, a result that allowed me to highlight volumes of the object, for a good presentation.
Renders are made in max 2012 viewport, running with Nitrous and ambient occlusion on. (the last one, baked, is rendered in marmoset toolbag
"tada!!" (as I say in french...)!
...(I have a bad sense of humor...I'm sorry...:poly142:)
I found this concept when I was looking some Crytek's team portfolios, through linked in.
there it is!
oh my god...i'm sorry man, I've just saw your thread!
I will keep an eye on your progress thread as often as I can
block out: yeah I will, but later. now, i'm just enjoying doing some high rez meshes, for fun. Take it like a training for me: I do not practice as often as I want (my professional work is really different in terms of graphic workflows...), and I need it so much.
for Floor01, yeah you're right, you've spot the thing. I'm planning to make some variations of the floor:
texture gab (first thinking):
floor 02 and 04 could be symetrized.
you're right: floor01 is a little bit more rectangular. I will refine this
I'm wondering that as well.
But anyways, solid concept, and it looks like your churning out some solid work. I definitely have to keep my eye on this thread!
with so much plus one's, i wonder why im not a math teacher [/bad joke]
I'm also working on an environment based on this bit of concept art (seems like it's a popular one), so I'll keep an eye on this
I did an environment inspired by that concept. This is an old shot and I did quite a bit of work after this, but this is the only one I have online. https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/Scifi/wip_13.jpg?w=08a927ee
it's been a while since I have not come to the site. the reason is that I was overwhelmed by the ending of the production of trackmania ², and I am preparing to move to southern France this week. so I didn't have much time to continue this sci-fi project these past month. sorry...
I know this is not the place to post this stuff, but the team and I are really proud of it. So here's the trailer for trackmania ² canyon (PAX 2011).
Trackmania² Canyon PAX Trailer
sorry for the advertisement... :poly124:
...And enjoy...
more updates on the scifi scene mid-september (when i get internet back!)
Looking forward to seeing some updates on this scene when you are settled too
Image is down, can you reupload?
just a little update, I had so much work beside, that it's hard to find some time to focus on this scene.:poly142:
I really enjoyed playing with shaders this past day. Now, as I have an idea of what materials can give, I will now concentrate on scene construction.
It's a little "too dirty n'shiny" for now.
this work is WIP.
thx for watching...and thx to J.Walker for his incredible bathhouse scene! :poly121:
Nice moob & nice lighting.
When i look at your " white render" it give me another vision of the concept, very good indeed. But you've could try some pure mood with this white color instead of the yellow one...maybe white some red details... don't know, just the feeling i have when i look at your 3d asset. hey by the way, its your work
this wip render are great
more and more and more !!!
@Vecto: nice thinking. my feeling is to have a scene more sanitized than industrial. Switching to white/red seems to be a good idea to amplify this feeling.
The scene is nice so far!
I know it's been quite a while since you last updated but...
did you ever finish this piece?
Thats a sexy floor tile too