I'm trying to do lighting with vertex lighting.. but its not illuminating anything in my scene when I render, is this another only engine thing?
Any tutorials someone can link me? I've been searching but can only find vertex shading not vertex lighting.
Tutorials on what it is, how does it work, how to properly use it for lighting and shading etc.
Any info I can have about it. Thanks.
It depends on what program you are using. 3D data is very versatile, and people can use the storage space of vertex colors to store any numbers they want, that can be referenced in the shader to mean anything, like how much blowing wind might affect those vertices for a wind shader.
So you have to specifically look for the option that will tell your program what you want to do with those vertex colors.
I cant figure out how to keep the shading and make it be shown. Again.. just need any and all information on vertex lighting for 3ds max.
Thanks for responding though Daaark.
I don't get what you ask.
Assign a vertex paint modifier, everything is in there.
You have to check the cube on the upper left of the vertexpaint window "vertex color display unshaded" to see it.
You can paint manually, or bake a lighting ("assign vertex colors" using scanline renderer only). The vertex color in max is multiplied, so you can't overbrighten the diffuse = painting white will show pure diffuse, and not brighten it.
A vertex paint modifier kinda works like a layer in photoshop, you can add several vertexpaint modifiers and set opacity, blending...as you need.
Why do you want to use vertex color to render your scene ? Vertex lighting is pretty used only for real time lighting at low cost.
for rendering it :
use a materil with self illu at 100.
In the diffuse, put a RGB multiply node. In the first slot, put your diffuse texture, in the second, put a vetex color node.