I really don't get the appeal of Summer Glau, she's not that hot, she's a shit actress, and every time they put her in a tv show, it gets cancelled soon after.
Her aside, this looks awesome
I really don't get the appeal of Summer Glau, she's not that not, she's a shit actress, and every time they put her in a tv show, it gets cancelled soon after.
I really don't get the appeal of Summer Glau, she's not that hot, she's a shit actress, and every time they put her in a tv show, it gets cancelled soon after.
Her aside, this looks awesome
Its because she's in alot of "geek"shows I guess. Kinda like Nathan Fillion (sure he's cool but not goddamn best guy on earth cool that should be in every movie and show ever created like the Fillion fans want) I don't get the appeal either.
I'll direct my fanboyish love towards Peter dinklage. Gleeeeeeeee!
Must see!
it only misses beer health potions!
Danny Pudi and Summer Glau are also a big plus.
It looks like it'd be okay. Not a fan of the LARPing in movies though.
Her aside, this looks awesome
You take taht back you sunuvabitch!
I'll direct my fanboyish love towards Peter dinklage. Gleeeeeeeee!
I need to see it.