Hi there !
I'm training to create materials and I've some problem with this one ;
I would like to create a tile texture wich look like Bathroom tiles to put it on a floor.
Actually, it looks more like Concrete tile and it's anoying.
I don't know what to do to make it more realistic and interesting to see.
I've also created this tile material but the difficulty was different ;
The scorch I painted disturb me a bit but I cannot explain why.
So, here's my question ; How can I improve my materials ?
Thanks !
throw it into your favourite renderer with a normal map and crank up the reflection.
it'll instantly look a lot less like concrete!
I was persuaded that a good texture was mainly thanks to the diffuse.
I think that the first one looks good, but that's not really the case of the second.
It looks too "perfect".
(I work with UDK )
Also, decals might help.
However, word of advice, if you're going to dirty the floor just for the 'sake of it', don't, in real life, we have plenty of floors, even in college dorm rooms which are plenty a-clean, so you must always evaluate your environment as whole instead of something by itself.
the tiles would be burnt and then covered with some kind of clear coat.
the reflections are too monotone right now, try to make you spec map a little more uneven, just throw in some naturally scraped overlay maybe?
So certain parts will have a little tiny bit of reflection, while other parts will be worn out. You could also put this idea to use:
I think we can help you better if you dig up some reference images of the material type, so we can help you better on how to achieve said idea.
Link you might wanna look into:
What do you mean by "burnt" ? It's just an "imaged" manner to make it dirty ?
Really interesting link, but I though that the Fresnel was expensive in UDK ?
I've modified the specular and added variation like in the first link (brick variation).
But I think like xXm0RpH3usXx that some overlay would be nice. I'll try this tomorrow.
Are you using detail normal maps? Using the same idea of the variation maps, with a small normal to give your models extra detail can help abit, although you don't really need to use it in this case.
Fresnel isn't as expensive as one might think, they're the cheapest solution to many spec/gloss issues. Again, you don't really need it, and someone else can explain it better then me, I'm sure, but it will help you tighten the falloff much better. I might even be wrong on this point.
Anyway, looking at the image, I cannot figure out if you beveled the edges of your normal, they don't look as sharp as the one in Bioshock ones which read out better, mind posting up the normals?