Hey everyone,
I recently got permission to post my work from The Lord of the Rings Online Trailer that was shown at E3 2011. Here it is!
My tasks for this cinematic included:
-Saruman(Main character) - High Poly, Low Poly, Textures, Skin Shaders, Blendshapes from Zbrush
-Urukhai(Secondary character) - Up-res of a game model given to me by the studio, Skin shaders, BlendShapes
-Tower Exterior - I modeled the organic parts of the tower exterior, I used Z-Spheres to create the base mesh. I also textured the entire outside of the tower
-I created all of the Hair and Fur for the cinematic. That includes Saruman, the Urukhai, and the horses.
-I skinned all the hair meshes
-I also baked out the hair dynamics for the Saruman tower balcony scene and the horse gallop scene
-I even got to paint a giant sky texture!
This was the concept given to me for Saruman. You can find it through a simple google search.
Work In Progress Images:
This was my Up-Res of a model given to me by the studio. Let me know if you are the original artist so I can give you proper credit!
Stills from the Cinematic:
gsokol: Thanks man!
Razgriz: The team was very small only nine people! Thank you!
Kot_Leopold: Thank you very much! I am really glad to hear that! Zspheres are an
amazingly quick tool if you know how to use it. Especially with a retopo program like
topogun. I only had two days to make the tower but I am very pleased with the final result.
Alberto Rdrgz: Thank you!